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Statistical Indicators of the database

1)Accounts receivable(K Yuan)
2)Finished goods(K Yuan)
3)Fund occupation of finished products(%)
4)gross value of industrial output(Current price)(Unit: K Yuan)
5)Growth rate of Marketing expenses (%)
6)Growth rate of Accounts receivable(%)
7)Growth rate of current assets(%)
8)Growth rate of Finished goods (%)
9)Growth rate of fixed assets(%)
10)Growth rate of gross value of industrial output(Current price)(
11)Growth rate of Number of employees(%)
12)Growth rate of Operating Cost(%)
13)Growth rate of Revenue(%)
14)Growth rate of Tax and associate charge(%)
15)Growth rate of Total administrative expenses(%)
16)Growth rate of Total assets (%)
17)Growth rate of Total finacial cost (%)
18)Growth rate of Total Liability(%)
19)Growth rate of Total Loss of loss-making enterprises(%)
20)Growth rate of Total tax (%)
21)Marketing expenses(K Yuan)
22)Max value of Fund occupation of finished products (%)
23)Max value of Rate of Profit&Taxe to Gross Output Value (%)
24)Max value of Ratio of Equity of Current Year to that of Previo
25)Max value of Ratio of debts to assets (%)
26)Max value of Ratio of Profit to Capital (%)
27)Max value of Ratio of Profits to Cost (%)
28)max value of Turnover of current assets
29)Net value of fixed assets(K Yuan)
30)Number of employees
31)Operating Cost (K Yuan)
32)per capita sales
33)per capita sales
34)Rate of Profit&Taxe to Gross Output Value (%)
35)Ratio of Equity of Current Year to that of Previous Year(%)
36)Ratio of debts to assets (%)
37)Ratio of Profit to Capital(%)
38)Ratio of Profits to Cost(%)
39)Revenue(K Yuan)
40)Tax and associate charge(K Yuan)
41)Total administrative expenses(K Yuan)
42)Total assets(K Yuan)
43)Total current assets(K Yuan)
44)Total finacial cost(K Yuan)
45)Total Liability(K Yuan)
46)Total Loss of loss-making enterprises (K Yuan)
47)Total number of enterprises
48)Total number of loss making enterprises
49)Total profits of last year(K Yuan)
50)Total profits(K Yuan)
51)Total tax(K Yuan)
52)Turnover of current assets




Industry :refers to the material production sector which is engaged in extraction of natural resources and processing and reprocessing of minerals and agricultural products, including
(1) extraction of natural resources, such as mining, salt production, logging (but not including hunting and fishing);
(2) processing and reprocessing of farm and sideline produces, such as rice husking, flour milling, wine making, oil pressing, cotton ginning, silk reeling, spinning and weaving, and leather making; (3) manufacture of industrial products, such as steel making, iron smelting, chemicals manufacturing, petroleum processing, machine building, timber processing; water and gas production and electricity generation and supply;
(4)repairing of industrial products such as the repairing of machinery and means of transport (including cars).
Prior to 1984, the rural industry run by villages and cooperative organizations under village was classified into agriculture. Since 1984, it has been grouped into industry.

Units of Industrial Statistics and Inquiry:

They are classified into two categories (1) corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system (2) industrial establishments.
(1) Corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system refer to enterprises engaging in industrial production activities, which meet the following requirements: ①They are established legally, having their own names, organizations, location, able to take civil liability; ②They possess and use their assets independently, assume liabilities, and are entitled to sign contracts with other units; ③They are financially independent and compile their own balance sheets.
(2)Industrial establishments refer to economic units which located in one single place and engaged entirely or primarily in one kind of industrial activity, including financially independent industrial enterprises and units engaged in industrial activities under the non industrial enterprises (or financially dependent). Industrial establishments generally meet the following requirements: ① They have each one location and are engaged in one kind of industrial activity each; ② They operate and manage their industrial production activities separately;③ They have accounts of income and expenditures separately.

(1)State-owned Enterprises refers to industrial enterprises where the means of production or income are owned by the state. Joint state-private industries and private industries, which existed before 1957, have been transformed into state industries. Statistics on these enterprises has been included in the state-owned industries since 1957 when separation of data was no longer necessary.

(2)Collective-owned Enterprises refers to industrial enterprises where the means of production are owned collectively, including urban and rural enterprises invested by collectives and some enterprises which were formerly owned privately but have been registered in industrial and commercial administration agency as collective units through raising fund from the public.

(3) Share-holding Corporations Ltd. refer to economic units registered in accordance with the regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporate Enterprises, with total registered capitals divided into equal shares and raised throught issuing stocks. Each investor bears limited liability to the corporation depending on the holding of shares, and the forporation bears liability to its debt to the maximum of its total assets.

(4) Enterprises with Funds form Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan refers to all industrial enterprises registered as the joint-venture, cooperative, sole (exclsive) investment industrial enterprises and limited liability corporations with funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

(5) Foreign Funded Enterprises refers to all industrial enterprises registered as the joint-venture, cooperative, sole (exclsive) investment industrial enterprises and limited liability corporations with foreign funds.

(6)Industry of Other Types of Ownership in this yearbook refers to industrial enterprises (units) of the ownership other than the state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises and individual enterprises. They include private enterprises, joint-owned enterprises, share-holding economy (companies limited by shares and companies limited with liabilities.), foreign-funded enterprises (Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises and foreign ventures exclusively with their own investment), enterprises funded by the entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan (joint ventures and cooperative enterprises with the mainland as well as ventures exclusively with their own investment) and enterprises of other types of ownership.

Gross value of industrial output is the total volume of industrial products sold or available for sale in value terms which reflects the total achievements and overall scale of industrial production during a given period. It includes the value of the finished products, which are not to be further processed in the enterprises and have been inspected, packed and put in storage, the value of industrial services rendered to other units, and the changes in the value of the semi finished products and products in process between the beginning and closing of the period. The gross industrial output value is calculated with “factory method”. No double calculations are to be made within the same enterprise. However, double counting does occur among different enterprises.

Industrial Sales Output Value is the total volume of industrial products sold in value terms of an industrial enterprise during a given period. It includes the value of finished products, semi finished products, industrial operations rendered to other units, products industrial operations & self made equipment provided to the basic construction department, welfare department, etc.of the enterprise. For finished products & semi finished products, whether produced in this calculation period or the previous one, if they are sold in this calcution period, they should be included. Industrial operations are industrial services rendered to other units according to contracts. Products, industrial operations & self made equipment provided to basic construction department, welfare department, etc. of the enterprise shold be regarded as act of sale, and included in sales statistics.
The scope, price and method of calculation of industrial sales output value are the same as those for gross industrial output value. But the calculation bases are different: the base for sales output value is the total volume of products sold; the base for gross industrial output value is total volume of pruduction of industrial products.
Value added of Industry refers to the final results of industrial production of the industrial trade in money terms during the reference period.Value added of industry can be calculated in two ways: First, production approach, i.e., to deduct production input from gross industrial output; second, income approach, i.e., the sum of income of factory of production in the production process; the specific components include fixed assets depreciation, remuneration payment to staff and workers, net produce tax and earning surplus. This approach is also called factors allocation approach.

Original Value of Fixed Assets refers to the original value of all fixed assets owned by industrial enterprises, calculated at the cost paid at the time of purchase, installation, reconstruction, expansion, and technical innovation and transformation of the said assets, which includes expenses on purchase, package, transportation, and installation, etc.
Net Value of Fixed Assets is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets.
Current assets(Circulating Assets) refers to assets which can be cashed in or spent or consumed in an operating cycle of one year or over one year, which includes cash, various deposits, short term investment, and receivable payments, and advance payments, stock, etc.

Net Value of Fixed Assets is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets.
Working Capital (Circulating Assets) refers to asysets which can be cashed in or spent or consumed in an operating cycle of one year or over one year, which includes cash, various deposits, short term investment, and receivable payments, and advance payments, stock, etc.

Sales Revenue of Industrial Products refers to tyhe revenue from the sales of products by industrial enterprises and the revenue from services provided and etc.

Sales Cost of Industrial yProducts refers to the actual cost of products of industrial enterprises and industrial services provided, etc..

Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products refer to the tax on city maintenance and construction, consumption tax, resources tax and extra charges for education, which should be borne by the enterprises in selling products and providing industrial services.

Sales Profit of Products refers to the profit gained by the enterprises by deducting cost, charges and taxes from the business income of the enterprises obtained in selling products and providing industrial services.

Total Profits refer to the profits gained by the enterprises.

Value-added Tax Payable refers to the amount of the value added tax which should be paid by the enterprises in the reporting period.

Ratio of Profits, Taxes and Interests to Average Assets reflects the profit-making capability of all assets of the enterprise and is a key indicator manifesting the performance and management and evaluating the profit-making potential of the enterprise.
It is calculated as follows:
Ratio of profits, taxes and interests to average assets (%) = [(Total profits + total Taxes + interest payment) / average
 assets ]?00%

Ratio of Debts to Assets reflect both the operation risk and the capability of the enterprise in making use of the capital from the creditors. It is calculated as follows:

Ratio of debts to assets (%) = (Total debts / total assets)?00%
Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs refers to the ratio of profits realized in a given period to the total costs in the same period, which reflects the economic efficiency of input cost and is calculated as follows:
Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Cost(%)=(Total Profits/ Total Costs)?00%
Value-added Rate of Industry refers to the ratio of value added of industry in a given period to the gross output value in the same period, which reflects the economic efficiency of cutting down the intermediate input and is calculated as follows:
Value-added Rate of Industry(%)=[Value-added of Industry (at current prices) ] / [Gross Output Value (at Current Prices)]?00%
Turnover of Working Capital refers to the number of times of turnover of working capital in a given period of time, which reflects the speed of the turnover of working capital and is calculated as follows:
Turnover of Working Capital(%)=(Sales Revenue of Products) / (Average Balance of Total Working Capital)?00%
Ratio of Sales to Gross Output Value refers to the sales of industrial products to the gross industrial output value during the reference period, and is important in reflecting the linkage between production and sales and the extent of the needs of the society that has been met by the supply of industrial products. It is calculated as follows:
Ratio of Sales to Gross Output Value=[Industrial sales / Gross industrial output value (at current prices)] ?00%
Overall Labour Productivity of Industrial Enterprises refers to the average output per employed person in industrial enterprises in value terms. At present, the value added and the average number of staff and workers of an industrial enterprises in a given period are used to calculate the overall labour productivity.
The formula used is:
Overall Labour Productivity=(Value Added of Industry) / (Average Number of Staff and Workers)
For the purpose of comparison of the overall labour productivity among different years, the data on the overall labour productivity of the years prior to 1990 have been adjusted on the basis of 1990 constant prices.

Ratio of Debts to Assets is the ratio of total debts to total assets. It reflects the conditions of debts at a certain time. It is calculated as follows:
Ratio of Debts to Assets(%)=Total Debts/Total Assets?00%

Ratio of Sales Profits to Sales Revenue refers to ratio of sales profits to sales revenue of products at a certain period of time. It reflects the realization conditions of sales profits of products. It is calculated as follows:
Ratio of Sales Profits to Sales Revenue(%)=Sales Profits of Products/Sales Revenue of Products?00%
Turnover of current assets refers to the number of times of turnover of working capital in a given period of time, which reflects the speed of the turnover of working capital and is calculated as follows:
Turnover of current assets (%)=Sales Revenue of Products/Average Balance of Total Working Capital?00%
Revenue refers to the revenue from the sales of products by industrial enterprises and the revenue from services provided and etc.

Tax and associate charge refer to the tax on city maintenance and construction, consumption tax, resources tax and extra charges for education, which should be borne by the enterprises in selling products and providing industrial services.
Total profits refers to the profit gained by the enterprises by deducting cost, charges and taxes from the business income of the enterprises obtained in selling products and providing industrial services.
Total Profits refer to the final results gained by the enterprises. It is got as using the total revenue taking off related costs and fees. Only if the revenue is more than the costs, the enterprises gain the profits.

Total Assets refer to all assets which are owned or controlled by enterprises, including circulating assets, long-term investment, fixed assets, intangible assets and deferred assets, other long-term assets, and deferred taxes, etc. The summation of above items is equal to total assets shown in the balance sheets of the enterprises.

(1) Circulating assets (working capital) refer to assets which can be cashed in or spent or consumed in an operating cycle of one year or over one year, including cash, all kinds of deposits, short term investment, receivables, advance payment, stock, etc.

(2) Fixed assets refer to the assets with high unit value can keep its original body in use and last for a long period, including the net value of fixed assets, clearance of fixed assets, project under construction, fixed assets losses in suspense. These are corporations' fund holdings.

(3) Intangible assets refer to the assets without material form used by enterprises over a long time, such as patents, non-patent technologies, trade marks, copyright, land use right, business reputation, etc.

Total Liabilities refer to the debts that enterprises are responsible for repayment, including liquid liabilities, long-term liabilities and deferred taxes, etc. Total liabilities correspond to the summation item of liabilities shown in the balance sheets of the enterprises.

(1) Liquid liabilities (also called quick liabilities or immediate liabilities) refer to enterprises total debt payable within an operating cycle of one year or over one year, including short term loans, payables and advance payments, wages payable, taxes payable and profit payable, etc.

(2) Long-term liabilities refers to total debt payable within an operating cycle of one year or over one year, including long-term loans, payable liabilities, long-term payables, etc.
Creditors' Equity refers to investors' ownership of net assets of the enterprise. It is equal to the total assets of the enterprise minus its total liabilities, including the primary input from investors, capital accumulation fund, surplus accumulation fund and undistributed profit. It is the stockholders' equity in stock companies.

Owners' Equity refers to investors ownership of net assets of the enterprise. It is equal to the total assets of the enterprise minus its total liabilities, including the primary input from investors, capital accumulation fund, surplus accumulation fund and undistributed profit. It is the shareholder's equity in share-holding companies.


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