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Chinese Market Reports Search Results
Market Research on
China's Cobalt Industry in 2008 |
Author |
HL Consulting |
Published |
2008-6-12 |
Pages |
75 |
Language |
English |
Number of Tables |
12 |
Number of Figures |
8 |
Price(PDF) |
1000 |
by |
Email |
Under preparing...
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Analysis of
China's cobalt reserves 4 1). Main
types of China's cobalt ore 4 2).
Distribution of China's cobalt ore in terms of time and
space 6 3). The latest
developments on the exploration of China's cobalt ore
9 4). China's cobalt reserves
10 Chapter 2. Analysis of the
production of China's cobalt industry
11 Chapter 3. Analysis of the
consumption of China's cobalt industry
15 1). The consumption structure
of cobalt in China 15 2). Analysis
of the related industries supported by cobalt
17 1). Cemented carbide industry
17 2). Secondary cell industry
18 Chapter 4. Analysis of global
cobalt market 20 1). Distribution
of global cobalt reserves 20 2).
Global cobalt production capacity
21 1). The supply and demand of
cobalt year by year 21 2). Cobalt
production capacity in 2007 23 3).
Global cobalt production capacity in 2005
25 4). Expectation of the global
cobalt production capacity 27 3).
Global cobalt consumption 31 4).
The price of global cobalt market
36 1). The long-term trend of
global cobalt price 36 2). The
cobalt price of international market in 2007
38 3). The cobalt price of
international market in 2006 40
4). The cobalt price of international market in 2005
42 5). 2006 to 2007
43 1). Main events in
international market in 2007 43
2). Main events in international market in 2006
45 6). Expectation on the cobalt
market in 2008 45 Chapter 5.
Analysis on the import and export of China's cobalt
market 46 Chapter 6. Analysis of
China's cobalt price from 2006 to 2007
51 1). Cobalt price in Chinese
market in 2007 51 2). Cobalt price
in Chinese market in 2006 54 3).
Main events in Chinese market from 2006 to 2007
55 1). Main events in Chinese
market in 2007 55 2). Main events
in Chinese market in 2006 56
Chapter 7. Analysis of cobalt market environment
57 1). Adjustments in related
policies in this industry 57 2).
Influences of uncertain factors on cobalt in 2007
58 1). Cobalt supply contract of
OMG-Norilsk 58 2). New off-take
potential plan of CAMEC 58 3).
Sales plan of DNSC 59 Chapter 8.
Analysis on domestic cobalt production plants
60 1). Top ten domestic
enterprises on nickel and cobalt selections
60 2). Jinchuan Group
62 1). Brief introduction of this
enterprise 62 2). Main products
63 3). Development goals
63 4). Financial status
64 3). Ganzhou Cobalt &
Tungsten Co., Ltd 64 1). Brief
introduction of this enterprise 62
2). Off-take potential of its products
65 Chapter 9. Economic indicators
in nickel & cobalt exploitation industry
66 1). Basic information about
nickel & cobalt exploitation industry in China
66 2). Assets and liability
information about nickel & cobalt exploitation
industry in China 66 3). Sales and
profit information about nickel & cobalt
exploitation industry in China 68
4). Financial ratio indicators of nickel & cobalt
exploitation industry in China 70
Chapter 10 Economic indicators in nickel & cobalt
metallurgical industry 71 1).
Basic information about nickel & cobalt
metallurgical industry in China 71
2). Assets and liability information about nickel &
cobalt metallurgical industry in China
71 3). Sales and profit
information about nickel & cobalt metallurgical
industry in China 73 4). Financial
ratio indicators of nickel & cobalt metallurgical
industry in China 74 Catalog of
tables 75 Catalog of charts
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