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Research Report on Wind-Power Generation Industry in China 2006

Research Report on Wind-Power Generation Industry in China 2006


China encourages the development of wind power in its “National Middle and Large Term Development Plan”. According to the plan, by 2010, China's installed capacity of wind power will reach 5GW. By 2020, it will achieve 30GW. In order to achieve this level of growth, China needs to build 800MW of new wind power capacity each year from 2006 to 2010.
In Feb 2005, China's Renewable Energy Law was formulated and was put into effect on January 1, 2006. The law stipulates that the power grid company must sign a grid connection agreement with the wind power generating company and purchase the full amount of the wind power generated by it. The tariff of wind power will be determined by the wind farm project tendering. The winner's quoted tariff will be the tariff of that wind farm project.

By the end of 2005, total installations in mainland China had reached 1260 MW,with an annual growth of 60 %.

The plants in existence in China, which produce and sell blade, mainly include Tianjin LM, (ZhongHang (Baoding) Huiteng Windpower Equipment Co., Ltd and Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co. Ltd which put into production in 2006.
ZhongHang (Baoding) Huiteng mainly provides blade of 660KW and 750KW for Goldwind Sich-tech Co. Ltd and is developing blade of 1.3 megawatt and 1.5 megawatt, with annual installed blade output of 40 thousand kilowatt in 2004. Vestas and Gamesa plan to build plants in China recently, but will only supply blade for themselves. The blade plant Vestas plans to build in Tianjin, China will have an annual output of 200 sets with full-load operation; Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co. Ltd currently only produces 6 pieces of blade for test, without the production capacity. The company has bought the license and second-hand production equipment of German Noiret. LM mainly provides blade of 1.5 megawatt for GE, with possible annual output of a hundred of sets of blade.


Table of contents

1. Background of wind-power generation industry 4
1.1 Overview of wind power utilization 4
1.2 Global wind power market in 2005 5
1.3 Variation tendency of wind-power generation cost in the world 10
1.4 Analysis of wind-power technology and equipment manufacturing industry in the world 12
1.4.1Overview of wind-power generation equipment manufacturing industry in the world 12 Denmark 12 Germany 13 Spain 14 The Netherlands 16 U.S.A. 17 U.K. 18 Canada 19 Australia 20 India 21 Japan 23 Brazil 24
1.5 Wind energy resources in China 25
1.5.1 Overview of wind energy resources in China 25
1.5.2 Distribution characteristics of wind energy resources in China 31
1.5.3 Wind power resources in Inner Mongolia 35
1.6 Present situation of wind-power plants construction in China 36
1.6.1 Overview of development of wind-power plants in China 36
1.6.2 State of newly-increased wind turbine generator systems in China in 2005 37
1.6.3 Development of investment costs of wind farm in China and average Wind Turbine Size 49
1.6.4 Situation of development of wind-power generation in Inner Mongolia 51
1.6.5 Situation of exploitation of wind-power generation in Zhejiang 53
1.7 Wind turbine generator systems manufacturers 55
1.7.1 Wind turbine generator systems manufacturers in the world 55
1.7.2 Market share of Chinese Domestic Suppliers 56 Wind Turbine Generators Market in China 56 Profile of Chinese Domestic Suppliers 57 Profile of Foreign Suppliers 58
1.7.3 Component manufacture enterprises of wind turbine 59 Blade 59 62 62 system 63 system 63 Lists of major parts manufacturing enterprises in China 63
1.8 Electricity price of wind-power generation and its comparison with that of coal electricity and other renewable energy 66
1.8.1 Overview of feed-in tariff 66
1.8.2 Approval system of feed-in tariff 66
1.8.3 Comparison electricity price of wind-power electricity with that of coal electricity 67
1.8.4 Comparison of electricity price of wind-power with that of other renewable energy 70
1.9 Present policies and codes on wind-power generation in China 71
1.9.1 Existing policies 71
1.9.2 Related Wind-power generation policies issued by State Develop and Reform Commission 72
1.9.3 Supporting projects 73
1.9.4 Concession projects 73
1.9.6 Analysis of administrative approval system for wind-power projects in China 80
1.9.7 Land use right approval system for wind-power projects in China 83
1.10 Forecast on installation scale of wind-power generation in the following twenty years 83
1.10.1 Forecast on installation scale of wind-power generation in China 83
1.10.2 Forecast on installation scale of wind-power generation in the world 84

2 Investment risks of wind farms and analysis of investment cases of the key wind farms 88
2.1 Analysis of investment risk of wind-power generation 88
2.1.1 Problem of accuracy of wind-power resources 88
2.1.2 Geographical locations of wind farms 89
2.1.3 Problem of localization of wind turbines 90
2.1.4 Cost of wind project investment 92
2.2 Analysis of the profit capacity and future of wind power 94
2.3 Economic effect analysis of Huizexile wind power project in Innermongolia 96
2.3.1 Basic introduction of the wind power field 96
2.3.2 Wind power status of the wind power field 96
2.3.3The conditions of on Grid 97
2.3.4 Analysis of economic proceeds of investment 98 Overal economic analysis 98 Effects of prices of wind turbines on cost of wind-power generation units 99 of maintenance and management expenses on cost of wind-power generation 100 Effects of service life of wind turbines on cost of wind electricity price 101 Effects of annual electricity generation on cost of wind electricity price 102
2.3.5 Exist problem 102
2.4 The analysis of economic benefits in power wind projects in Heilongjiang Province 104
2.4.1 Wind resources conditions 104
2.4.2 Construction plan of the project 104
2.4.3 Investment cost and capital resource 105
2.5 The analysis of economic benefit obtained from investment to one wind electric power project in Liaoning Province 108
2.5.1The overview of the wind farm No.1 108
2.5.2 The overview of wind farm No.2 110
2.5.3 The overview of wind farm No.3 110
2.5.4The economic benefit analysis of the project 110
Tables 112
Figures 113

Table 2 Global installed wind power capacity(Mw) – Regional Distribution 9
Table 3 Electricity generation cost of energy resources in the world (US$kwh) 10
Table 4 Cost of wind-power generation and investment trend per kw 11
Table 10 Wind resource by province in China 33
Table 11 Classification of wind energy resources zone in China 34
Table 12 Wind resource classification of Inner Mongolia region 35
Table 13 Basic data analysis and processing results of Wind fields 36
Table 14 Wind Turbines Distribution in China by province in 2005 38
Table 15 Wind farms in China by Dec 31th, 2005 38
Table 16 Installed in 2005 by wind farms 44
Table 17 Installed in 2005 by manufacturer 46
Table 18 Installed capacity of wind farms in Inner Mongolia by Dec 31th, 2005 51
Table 19 Wind Turbine Manufacturers' Market Share 55
Table 20 Wind Turbine Generators Market in China 56
Table 21 Major Chinese wind turbine manufacturers 58
Table 22 Major foreign wind turbine manufacturers 59
Table 23 Quote for main components of wind turbine equipment(in terms of 600KW turbine) 60
Table 24 Prediction of Chinese wind turbine Blade market before 2020 61
Table 25 Major parts manufacturing enterprises of domestic wind generators 63
Table 26 Wind energy cost(Unit:Yuan) 69
Table 27 Calculation of Price for selling wind electricity 69
Table 28 Price for purchase wind electricity(tax not included) 69
Table 29 Price comparison of wind-power generation and coal electricity generation in regions of China (Yuan/kwh) 70
Table 30 Selling price comparison of different type of electricity in China 70
Table 31 Energy cost comparision 70
Table 32 Wind concession projects in China 74
Table 33 Relation between the annual electricity generation and wind velocity of the wind turbine (100kw type) 89
Table 34 Quote for main components of wind turbine equipment(in terms of 600KW turbine) 93
Table 35 cost of some wind plants being built or to be built since 2005 94
Table 36 Simulated profit capacity of wind plants of 100 thousand Kw (unit: 100 million Yuan) 94
Table 37 Influence of wind turbine price on cost of wind electricity price 100
Table 38 Influence of maintenance cost to unit cost 100
Table 39 Influence of service life of wind turbines on cost of of wind electricity price 101
Table 40 Annual electricity generation on cost of wind electricity price 102

Figure 1 Denmark's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 13
Figure 2 Germany's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 14
Figure 3 Spain's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 15
Figure 4 The Netherlands' Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 17
Figure 5 USA's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 17
Figure 6 2003 Market Share (195 MW) 19
Figure 7 Canada's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 20
Figure 8 Australia's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 21
Figure 9 India's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 22
Figure 10 Japan's Cumulative and Annual Wind Power Capacity 1990-2003 and 2003 Market Participants 24
Figure 11 Distribution map of China's wind energy 31
Figure 12 Distribution map of annual duration of wind speed above 3m/s in China 32
Figure 13 Installed capacity of wind turbines in China(10 Mw) 38
Figure 14 Location of existing and some projected wind farms in China by 2004 48
Figure 15 Development of investment costs of wind farm in China 49
Figure 16 Wind Turbine Manufacturers' Market Share in 2004 55
Figure 17 Administrative Approval System for wind-power projects in China 83
Figure 18 nfluence of wind turbine price on cost of wind electricity price 100
Figure 19 Influence of service life of wind turbines on cost of of wind electricity price 101

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