China Coal Report 2007
(Published:Dec. 5h, 2007)
Total Pages 398, Price USD 700.00
output increased steadily in 2007,growth rate is 8.09 percent by
Sep., 2007. The supply is short of demand.
In terms of ownership and administrative affiliations, there are
three categories of coal mines in China. They are central
government-controlled key coal mines/administrations, provincial
and local government-owned coal mines/administrations and
village or private small mines. The production of Private and
town ship is high and take a large proportion.
The Chinese government will try to improve the production of key
coal mines. It is clearly stipulated in the Coal Industry Policy
issued in 2007 that Chinese government will build 13 large coal
production base to guarantee the supply of coal.
Accumulative Monthly production of raw coal output in China in
2007,Jan-Sep(10000 t)
Provincial and
local government-owned coal mines |
government-controlled key coal mines/administrations |
Private and town
ship |
Total |
Jan |
8499.55 |
2644.11 |
5855.44 |
Feb |
13068.66 |
4534.13 |
8534.53 |
29914.59 |
Mar |
9238.92 |
7437.21 |
13808.44 |
47896.71 |
Apr |
31235.71 |
10177.29 |
21058.42 |
66409.44 |
May |
40426.73 |
12358.31 |
28068.42 |
84109.95 |
Jun |
50290.42 |
14938.12 |
35352.3 |
102339.1 |
Jul |
60266.68 |
17578.37 |
42688.31 |
120807 |
Aug |
70462.47 |
20168.54 |
50293.93 |
139688.3 |
Sep |
80548.14 |
22878.77 |
57669.37 |
158396.3 |
2006, the total consumption of primary energy in China was
2.45669 billion ton standard coal equivalent (sce) . Coal is the
most important energy sources in China,accounting for 68.9%.
According to Coal Association statistics, the national crude
coal production is 2.32527 billion tons in 2006, an increase of
173.95 million tons. The growth rate is 8.1%, 0.1% increasing
over the same period last year, lower than the 10.7% growth rate
of GDP.
Three types of coal have different level increase, and the
growth of state-owned local coal mine has improved. The crude
coal production of State-owned key coal mines is 1.12177 billion
tons, an increase of 98.56 million tons, and the growth rate is
9.5%, 1.0% decreasing over the same period last year; The crude
coal production of State-owned local coal mine is 320.4 million
tons, an increase of 28.81 million tons, and the growth rate is
9.9%. 10.3% increasing over the same period last year; The crude
coal production of town-owned coal mines is 883.09 million tons,
an increase of 47.57 million tons, and the growth rate is 5.7%,
2.6% decreasing over the same period last year.
The structure of coal industry has been slightly optimized. The
crude coal production of state-owned key coal mines, the
state-owned local coal mines and the town-owned coal mines
accounts for 48.2%, 13.8%, and 38.0% of the country's crude coal
output separately. The share of town-owned coal mines’
production was down by 1%.
Coal supply and demand are basically in balance, the whole
society coal reserve will be 144 million tons in late 2006,
maintaining the normal level.
Table of Contents
1 Energy production and consumption in China 4
2 China coal resources, quality and distribution 8
2.1 China coal resources 8
2.1.1 Coal geology 8
2.1.2 Coal reserves and distribution 12
2.2 China coal quality 20
2.2.1 Coal rank classification 20
2.2.2 Sulfur content 21
2.2.3 Ash content 23
2.2.4 Calorific Value 23
3 Coal production 24
3.1 Raw coal production 24
3.1.1 Overview of raw coal output in China in 2007 24
3.1.2 Overview of raw coal output in China in 2006 27 Raw coal output in China according to statistics of
CHINA NATIONAL COAL ASSOCIATION 27 Raw coal output in China according to statistics of
State Bureau of Statistics P.R.C 30
3.1.3 Raw coal output in 2005 35
3.1.4 Output of raw coal of central government-controlled key
coalmines 39
3.1.5 Output of raw coal of local government-owned coalmines 44
3.1.6 Output of raw coal of township and private coalmines 46
3.1.7 Output of key state-owned enterprises 48
3.2 Washed coal output 61
3.2.1 Washed coal output by province 61
3.2.2 Washed coal output by enterprises 63
3.3 Coal Output and sales of Shanxi Province in 2005 71
3.3.1 Coal output of Shanxi Province 71
3.3.2 Coal output and sales of key mines in Shanxi Province 71
3.3.3 Coal output and sales of non-key mines in Shanxi Province
3.3.4 Sales flows of Jincheng coal by industry in Shanxi 74
3.3.5 Sales flows of Jincheng coal by province in Shanxi 74
3.4 Production Costs 75
3.5 Coal Supply and Demand Balance 79
3.6 Future Production Forecast 84
3.7 Concentration Degree of China Coal Industry 84
3.8 Coal stock 85
4 Analysis of the Coke Market in 2006 88
4.1 Coke output in 2006 88
4.1.1 Annual coke output by province from 2001 to 2006 in China
4.1.2 Output of coke by enterprise in 2006 95
4.2 Coke price in 2006 97
4.3 Coke consumption from 2005 to 2006 100
4.4 Coke import and export in 2006 102
4.5 Forecast of the coke supply and demand 104
4.6 Forecast of coke demand 106
4.7 Forecast of coke price 107
4.8 Forecast of coke export 111
4.9 Forecast of international market 112
4.10 Measures: Overall control 112
5Coal consumption and coal sales 115
5.1 Historical coal consumption analysis 115
5.2 Coal consumption by industries in China 120
5.2.1 Coal consumption of thermal power industry in China 122
5.2.2 Coal consumption of steel industry in China 124
5.2.3 Coal consumption of chemical industry in China 125
5.3 Coal sales 125
5.3.1 Coal sales by province 125
5.3.2 Coal sales by enterprises 127
6 Coal transportation 132
6.1 Coal transportation of 2007 in China 132
6.2 Coal transportation of 2006 in China 134
6.3 Coal ports 144
7 Coal price 145
7.1 Average reference prices of raw coal of state-owned mines
7.2 Average Coal Prices at Qinhuangdao Port,2003-2007 148
7.2 Monthly coal price in Shanxi province 156
7.4 Monthly Coal Prices in Tianjin 162
7.5 Monthly Coal Prices in Shanghai 163
7.6 Monthly Coal Prices in Guangzhou 164
8 Coal imports and exports 165
8.1 Overview of coal imports and exports in China 165
8.2 Statistics of coal imports and exports in China 166
8.2.1 Export 166
8.2.2 Import 174
9 Economic indicators of coal mining and washing in China in
2006 177
9.1 Overall indicators of industry(Total number of
enterprises,Total number of loss-making Enterprises,Total Loss
of loss-making Enterprises) 177
9.1.1. Total number of enterprises 177
9.1.2. Total number of loss-making Enterprises 179
9.1.3. Total loss of loss-making Enterprises 180
9.1.4. The total average number of employees 183
9.2 Revenue, cost, expenditure and profit indicato 186
9.2.1. Sales revenue of products 186
9.2.2. Sales cost of product 193
9.2.3. Sales expenditure of product 196
9.2.4. Accumulative total product sales taxes and Add-ons 199
9.2.5. Accumulative total profit 202
9.2.6. Accumulative total Finance charge 205
9.2.7. Accumulative total administrative expenses 208
9.2.8. Accumulative Total tax 211
9.2.9. Ratio of Creditors' Equity of Current Year to that of
Previous Year 214
9.2.10. Ratio of profit to cost 217
9.2.11. Accumulated net account receivable 220
9.2.12. Accumulated finished products 223
9.2.13. Ratio of Per-tax Profits to Gross Output Value(%) 226
9.2.14. Ratio of Profit to Capital 229
9.3 Asset-liability indicators 232
9.3.1. Total assets 232
9.3.2. Total liability 235
9.3.3. The average balance of net fixed assets 238
9.3.4. Accumulated average current assets balance 241
9.3.5. Current assets turnover 244
9.3.6. Ratio of capital use of finished products 247
9.3.7. Debt to assets ratio 250
10. Economic indictors analysis of China's coking industry 254
10.1 Basic conditions of China's coking industry 254
10.1.1 Number of enterprises 254
10.1.2 Number of loss making enterprises 256
10.1.3 Loss amount of loss making enterprises 258
10.1.4 Number of total employees 262
10.2 Assets and liability conditions of China's coking industry
in 2006 266
10.2.1 Total asset 266
10.2.2 Total liability 269
10.2.3 average balance of net fixed assets 271
10.2.4 Average balance of floating assets 274
10.3 Revenue, cost, espenditure and profit conditions of China's
coking industry in 2006 277
10.3.1 Sales revenue 277
10.3.2 Sales cost 279
10.3.3 Sales expense 282
10.3.4 value-added tax and extra charge 284
10.3.5 Accumulative Net accounts receivable 287
10.3.6 Accumulative finished products 290
10.3.7 Accumulative administrative expense 292
10.3.8 Accumulative financial expense 295
10.3.9Accumulative profit 298
10.3.10 Accumulative tax 300
10.4 Economic indicators of China’s coking industry 303
10.4.1 Capital maintenance and increment ratio 303
10.4.2 Debt to assets ratio 306
10.4.3 Ratio of output value to profit and tax 308
10.4.4 Profitability to capital ratio 311
10.4.5 Turnover frequency of floating assets 313
10.4.6 Sales rate Per capita 316
10.4.7Funds occupancy rate of finished product 318
11 Economic indicators of coal mining and washing owners in
China 321
11.1 Overall indicators of industry(Total number of
enterprises,Total number of loss-making Enterprises,Total Loss
of loss-making Enterprises) 321
11.1.1 Total number of enterprises 321
11.1.2 Total number of loss-making Enterprises 322
11.1.3 Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises 324
11.1.4 The average total number of employees 326
11.2 Revenue, cost, expenditure and profit indicator 328
11.2.1 Sales revenue of product 328
11.2.2 Sales cost of product 331
11.2.3 Sales expenditure of product 335
11.2.4 Accumulative total product sales taxes and Add-ons 339
11.2.5 Accumulative total profit 342
11.2.6 Accumulative total Finance charge 344
11.2.7 Accumulative total administrative expenses 348
11.2.8 Accumulative Total tax 352
11.2.9 Ratio of Profits to Cost 356
11.3 Asset-liability indicators 358
11.3.1 Total Assets 358
11.3.2 Total Liability 362
11.3.3 The average balance of net fixed assets 366
11.3.4 Debt to assets ratio 370
11.4 Economic indicator of ten former enterprise of China’s coal
mining and washing owners 372
Tables 383
Figures 391
Appendix 1 392
Appendix 2 395
Table 1 Energy comsumption in China from 1952 to 2006 5
Table 2 Energy production in China from 1952 to 2006 6
Table 3 Major Coal-Forming Basins and their Resources 11
Table 4 China’s Proved-up Coal Reserves & the Distribution up to
the End of 1997 12
Table 5 Coal Resources and Their Distribution in China (Between
0 and 2000 m in depth) 15
Table 6 Distribution of Coal Ranks and Their Predicted Resources
in China 17
Table 7 Demonstrated and Recoverable Reserves of Different Aged
Coal in Different Provinces 19
Table 8 Distribution of Coal Ranks and Their Reserves and
Resources by Provinces and Regions 21
Table 9 Distribution of Total Sulfur in China’s Coal Resources
Table 10 Distribution of Total Sulfur in China’s Commercial Coal
Table 11 Accumulative Monthly production of raw coal output in
China in 2007,Jan-Sep(10000 t) 24
Table 12 Raw coal output in China in 2007,Jan-Oct(10000 t) 25
Table 13 Close of coal mines by stages 27
Table 14 Monthly production of coal in China in 2006 28
Table 15 China’s coal production by province in 2006 (by
Province , unit 10 thousand tons) 28
Table 16 Crude coal production and growth rate in Jan.-Dec.,
2006 30
Table 17 The gross value of industrial output of coal industry
in Jan. - Dec., 2006 31
Table 18 Raw Coal Output in China in 2006 32
Table 19 Raw Coal Output in China in 2005 33
Table 20 Monthly output of raw coal in China in 2005(Source:
State Bureau of Statistics P.R.C) 35
Table 21 Major indicators of Coal production of China in 2005 35
Table 1 36
Table 22 Monthly output of raw coal in China in 2005(Source:
Table 23 Historical Outputs of Raw Coal by Provinces,2000 to
2004(Mil.tons) 36
Table 24 China’s Raw Coal Production ,1994 to 2005 (Bt) 37
Table 25 China’s Raw Coal Production and its Growth,1980 to 2005
Table 26 Statistics of Raw Coal Outputs by Coal Rank,1990 to
2004 38
Table 27 Raw coal output by province in 2005 by
Table 28 Output of raw coal of central government-controlled key
coalmines in 2007 39
Table 29 Output of raw coal of central government-controlled key
coalmines in 2006 40
Table 30 Output of raw coal of central government-controlled key
coalmines in 2005 40
Table 31 Raw Coal Production of Key government coalmines
(1996-2005) 40
Table 32 Output growth by type of coalmines in China, 1981 to
2005 42
Table 33 Monthly output of raw coal of government-controlled key
coal mines in China in 2004 42
Table 34 Monthly output of raw coal of government-controlled key
coal mines in China in 2004(continued) 43
Table 35 Raw coal output of key state mines in China in 2004 43
Table 36 Raw coal output of local government-owned coalmines in
2007 44
Table 37 Raw coal output of local government-owned coalmines in
2006 44
Table 38 Raw coal output of local government-owned coal mines
,1996-2005 45
Table 39 Raw coal output of local government-owned coalmines in
2005 45
Table 40 Raw coal output of local government-owned coalmines in
2007 46
Table 41 Accumulative output of raw coal of township and private
coalmines in 2006 46
Table 42 Output of raw coal of township and private coalmines in
2005 46
Table 43 Historical output of raw coal of township and private
coalmines (1996-2005) 47
Table 44 Monthly output of raw coal of township and private
coalmines in China in 2004 47
Table 45 Monthly output of raw coal of village or private owned
mines in China in 2004(continued) 48
Table 46 Production/sales/inventory table of key state-owned
coal mine, 2007(January to July,10000t) 48
Table 47 Production/sales/inventory table of key state-owned
coal mine, 2006 50
Table 48 Output of raw coal, commercial coal, inventory of
state-owned enterprises in 2005 54
Table 49 Output of key state-owned enterprises in 2004 (10kt) 56
Table 50 Output of top 8 coal enterprises in 2005 in China 59
Table 51 Rank of Output of key state-owned enterprises in 2004
(10kt) 59
Table 52 Washed coal output by province in 2007 61
Table 53 Washed coal output by province in 2006 61
Table 54 Washed coal output by province in 2005 62
Table 55 Washed coal output by province in 2004(tons) 63
Table 56 Accumulative Production of Washed Coal by September of
2007 of key state-owned coal mines in China 63
Table 57 Production of Washed Coal in 2006 of key state-owned
coal mines 64
Table 58 Washed Coal Production by enterprises of China in 2004
Table 59 Monthly Washed Coal Production of central
government-controlled key coal mines of China in 2004 67
Table 60 Monthly Washed Coal Production of central
government-controlled key coal mines of China in 2004 68
Table 61 Raw and Washed Coal Production by enterprises of China
in 2003 68
Table 62 Coal output and Sales of Shanxi Province from Jan to
Dec in 2005(Unit:Ten thousand Ton) 71
Table 63 Coal output and Sales of key mines in Shanxi Province
from Jan to Dec in 2005(Unit:Ten thousand Ton) 71
Table 64 Coal output and Sales of non-key mines in Shanxi
Province from Jan to Dec in 2005(Unit:Ten thousand Ton) 72
Table 65 Sales flows of Jincheng coal by industry in Shanxi,
2005 74
Table 66 Sales flows of Jincheng coal By province in Shanxi,2005
Table 67 The main policy costs which are planned to be
implemented by coal industry in China 77
Table 68 Policy additional costs of sustainable coal in Shanxi
province 77
Table 69 Actual effect by policy cost increase 78
Table 70 Coal economy operation indicators in 2006 79
Table 71 Coal stock of all mines, central government-controlled
key coalmine, central government-controlled local coalmines 85
Table 72 Coal stock of township and private coalmines, local
government-owned coalmines ,Jan 2003-Apr,2007 87
Table 73 Output of coke of scale above enterprises by province
in December 2006 in China Unit:10,000tons 89
Table 74 Output of coke of scale above enterprises by province
in December 2005 in China Unit:10,000tons 90
Table 75 Output of coke by province in December 2004 in
China(ton) 91
Table 76 Output of Coke produced by Mechanized Coke Oven by
province in China in 2004(ton) 91
Table 77 Output of Coke produced by Mechanized Coke Oven by
province in December 2003 92
Table 78 Output of Coke produced by Mechanized Coke Oven by
province in December 2002 93
Table 79 Output of coke by month in 2001 94
Table 80 Output of coke by province in 2001 94
(Unit:ton) 94
Table 81 ouput of Coke produced by Mechanized Coke Oven of main
enterprises in2006 95
Table 82 Changes in the Coke Price Index 99
Table 83 Coke Consumption in Major Sectors 2001-2006 100
Table 84 Comparison between the total coke export volume in tons
and in US dollars 103
Table 85 Statistics on China's Coke Export in Each Custom 103
Table 86 Forecast the consumption of coke of major industries in
2007-2011 106
Table 87 Coal consumption,1990-2006 115
Table 88 Statistics of Coal Consumption in China by Provinces
from 1992 to 1995 118
Table 89 Statistics of Coal Consumption of China by Provinces
from 1996 to 1997 119
Table 90 Coal Consumption by Industrial Sectors of Coal from key
State Coal Mines from 1995 to 2000 121
Table 91 Output of major coal-consuming industries In 2004(Unit:
Mt) 122
Table 92 Total Installed cpacity, fossil,hydro generating
capacity in China ,1998-2005(Unit:108Kwh) 122
Table 93 Annual Electricity Generation in
China,1990-2005(Unit:108Kwh) 122
Table 94 Fossil Electricity Generation in 2004 by province 123
Table 95 Sales Revenue and total profits of Coal Industry by
province in 2004(Unit: RMB1000 yuan ) 125
Table 96 Coal sales of state-owned key mines in 2004 126
Table 97 Output of raw coal, commercial coal, inventory of
state-owned enterprises in 2006 127
Table 98 Coal sales of key stated-owned enterprises in 2004 129
Table 99 Railway Cola Transportation of Jan.-Apr.in 2007 in
China (10,000 tons, %) 133
Table 100 Coal transportation by railway, Jan,2004-Apr,2007 138
Table 101 Coal Transportation by Railways in China,
1981-2004(10000 tons) 140
Table 102 Coal Transportation by Railways in 2002 & 2003 140
Table 103 Coal Transportation by Railways in 2001 & 2002 140
Table 104 Coal Transportation by Railways in 2000 & 2001 140
Table 105 China’s Coal Transportation Statistics from 1990 to
1999 141
Table 106 Monthly coal transportation by railway in China in
2005 (Unit:104tons) 141
Table 107 Coal transportation and trade of state-owned key mines
in 2004 143
Table 108 Coal stockpiles of different producers in December,
2004 144
Table 109 Mean Prices of Raw Coal of China from 1990 to 2006 147
Table 110 Monthly coal price of state-owned key coal mines,
2003-2005 147
Table 111 Average Coal Prices at Qinhuangdao Port,2003-2007 148
Table 112 Monthly coal price in Shanxi province by region, Jan.,
2005- Dec., 2005 157
Table 113 Monthly coal price in Shanxi province by region, Jan.,
2004- Dec., 2004 160
Table 114 Monthly export of coal in China,Jan. to Dec. in 2005
Table 115 Import and export of coal in China by coal type in
2005 167
Table 116 Comparision of volume and value of coal between 2005
and 2004. 167
Table 117 Coal exports by country/district in December, 2005 168
Table 118 Details of coal exports by country in 2004 170
Table 119 Coke exports of China in December,2005 172
Table 120 coal imports of China in 2005 174
Table 121 Origin and price of import of coal in 2005 by coal
type 175
Table 122 Total number of enterprises of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2006(Data of each month by
province) 177
Table 123 Total number of loss-making Enterprises of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2006(Data of
each month by province) 179
Table 124 Total loss of loss-making Enterprises of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2006(Data of each
month by province Unit:1000Yuan) 180
Table 125 Growth of total loss of loss-making Enterprises of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec
in2006(Data of each month by province Unit:%) 182
Table 126 The total average number of employees of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each
month by province) 183
Table 127 Growth of total average number of employees of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of
each month by province)% 185
Table 128 Sales revenue of China’s mining and washing owners
from Jan to Dec in2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 186
Table 129 Growth of sales revenue of China’s mining and washing
owners from Jan to Dec in2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 188
Table 130 Average sales ratio of China’s coal mining and washing
in 2006(unit Yuan) 189
Table 131 Best average sales ratio of China’s coal mining and
washing in 2006(unit Yuan) 191
Table 132 Sales cost of product of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 193
Table 133 194
Table 134 Growth of sales cost of product of China’s coal mining
and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 195
Table 135 Sales expenditure of product of China’s coal mining
and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 196
Table 136 Growth of Sales expenditure of product of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each
month by province,Unit:%) 198
Table 137 Accumulative total product sales taxes and Add-ons of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in
2006(Data of each month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 199
Table 138 Growth of Accumulative total product sales taxes and
Add-ons of China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to
Dec in 2006(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 201
Table 139 Accumulative total profit of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 202
Table 140 Accumulative total profit of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000 Yuan) 204
Table 141 Accumulative total Finance charge of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each
month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 205
Table 142 Growth of Accumulative total Finance charge of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of
each month by province,Unit:%) 207
Table 143 Accumulative total administrative expenses of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of
each month by province,Unit:1000yuan) 208
Table 144 Growth of Accumulative total administrative expenses
of China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in
2006(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 210
Table 145 Accumulative total tax of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 211
Table 146 213
Table 147 Growth of Accumulative total tax of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006 Compared with
the same period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%)
Table 148 Ratio of creditors equity of current year to that of
previous year of China’s coal mining and washing in 2006 214
Table 149 Best ratio of creditors equity of current year to that
of previous year of China’s coal mining and washing in 2006 (%)
Table 150 Ratio of profit to cost of China’s coal mining and
washing in 2006(by province,unit %) 217
Table 151 Best ratio of profit to cost of China’s coal mining
and washing in 2006 219
Table 152 Accumulated net account receivable of China’s coal
mining and washing in 2006 (unit 1000Yuan) 220
Table 153 Growth of Accumulated net account receivable of
China’s coal mining and washing in 2006 (unit:%) 222
Table 154 Accumulated finished products of China’s coal mining
and washing industry in 2006 (unit 1000 Yuan) 223
Table 155 Growth of Accumulated finished products of China’s
coal mining and washing industry in 2006 (unit 1000 Yuan%) 224
Table 156 Ratio of Per-tax Profits to Gross Output Value(%)of
China’s coal mining and washing industry in 2006 226
Table 157 Best Ratio of Per-tax Profits to Gross Output
Value(%)of China’s coal mining and washing industry in 2006 227
Table 158 Ratio of Profit to Capital(%) of China’s coal mining
and washing industry in 2006 229
Table 159 Best Ratio of Profit to Capital(%) of China’s coal
mining and washing industry in 2006 (%) 230
Table 160 Total Assets of China’s coal mining and washing owners
from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 232
Table 161 Growth of Total Assets of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 234
Table 162 Total Liability of net fixed assets of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each
month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 235
Table 163 Growth of Total Liability of net fixed assets of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in
2006(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 237
Table 164 The average balance of net fixed assets of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of
each month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 238
Table 165 240
Table 166 Growth of The average balance of net fixed assets of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in
2006(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 240
Table 167 Accumulated average current assets balance of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(unit 1000
Yuan) 241
Table 168 Growth of Accumulated average current assets balance
of China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in
2006(unit%) 243
Table 169 Current assets turn over of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006 244
Table 170 Best current assets turn over of China’s coal mining
and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006 246
Table 171 Ratio of capital use of finished products of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006 247
Table 172 Best Ratio of capital use of finished products of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006 %
Table 173 Debt to assets ratio of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 250
Table 174 Best debt to assets ratio of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2006(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 252
Table 175 Number of enterprises of China's coking industry in
2006 254
Table 176 Number of loss making enterprises of China's coking
industry in 2006 256
Table 177 loss amount of loss making enterprises of China's
coking industry in 2006 258
Table 178 Growth of loss amount of loss making enterprises of
China's coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of
last year 260
Table 179 Number of employees of China's coking industry in 2006
Table 180 Growth of Number of employees of China's coking
industry in 2006 compared with the same period of last year 264
Table 181 Total assets of China's coking industry in 2006 266
Table 182 Growth of Total assets of China's coking industry in
2006 compared with the same period of last year 268
Table 183 Total liability of China's coking industry in 2006 269
Table 184 Growth of Total liability of China's coking industry
in 2006 compared with the same period of last year 270
Table 185 average balance of net fixed assets of China's coking
industry in 2006 271
Table 186 Growth of average balance of net fixed assets of
China's coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of
last year 273
Table 187 average balance of floating assets of China's coking
industry in 2006 274
Table 188 Growth of average balance of floating assets of
China's coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of
last year 275
Table 189 Sales revenue of China's coking industry in 2006 277
Table 190 Growth of Sales revenue of China's coking industry in
2006 compared with the same period of last year 278
Table 191 Sales cost of China's coking industry in 2006 279
Table 192 Growth of Sales cost of China's coking industry in
2006 compared with the same period of last year 281
Table 193 Sales expenditure of China's coking industry in 2006
Table 194 Growth of Sales expenditure of China's coking industry
in 2006 compared with the same period of last year 283
Table 195 value-added tax and extra charge of China's coking
industry in 2006 284
Table 196 Growth of value-added tax and extra charge of China's
coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of last
year 286
Table 197 Accumulative Net accounts receivable of China's coking
industry in 2006 287
Table 198 Growth of Accumulative Net accounts receivable of
China's coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of
last year 288
Table 199 Accumulative finished products of China's coking
industry in 2006 290
Table 200 Accumulative administrative expense of China's coking
industry in 2006 291
Table 201 Accumulative administrative expense of China's coking
industry in 2006 292
Table 202 Growth of Accumulative administrative expense of
China's coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of
last year 294
Table 203 Accumulative financial expense of China's coking
industry in 2006 295
Table 204 Growth of Accumulative financial expense of China's
coking industry in 2006 compared with the same period of last
year 296
Table 205 Accumulative profit of China's coking industry in 2006
Table 206 Accumulative profit of China's coking industry in 2006
by this month since last year 299
Table 207 Accumulative tax of China's coking industry in 2006
Table 208 Growth of Accumulative tax of China's coking industry
in 2006 compared with the same period of last year 302
Table 209 Capital maintenance and increment ratio of China's
coking industry in 2006 303
Table 210 The best level of Capital maintenance and increment
ratio of China's coking industry in 2006 304
Table 211 Debt to assets ratio of China's coking industry in
2006 306
Table 212 The best level of Debt to assets ratio of China's
coking industry in 2006 307
Table 213 Ratio of output value to profit and tax of China's
coking industry in 2006 308
Table 214 The best level of Ratio of output value to profit and
tax of China's coking industry in 2006 309
Table 215 Profitability to capital ratio of China's coking
industry in 2006 311
Table 216 The best level of Profitability to capital ratio of
China's coking industry in 2006 312
Table 217 Turnover frequency of floating assets of China's
coking industry in 2006 313
Table 218 The best level of Turnover frequency of floating
assets of China's coking industry in 2006 314
Table 219 Sales rate Per capita of China's coking industry in
2006 316
Table 220 The best level of Sales rate Per capita of China's
coking industry in 2006 317
Table 221 Funds occupancy rate of finished product of China's
coking industry in 2006 318
Table 222 The best level of Funds occupancy rate of finished
product of China's coking industry in 2006 319
Table 223 Total number of enterprises of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province) 321
Table 224 Total number of loss-making Enterprises of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of
each month by province) 322
Table 225 Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each
month by province Unit:1000Yuan) 324
Table 226 The average total number of employees of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each
month by province) 326
Table 227 Sales revenue of product of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 328
Table 228 Growth of Sales revenue of product of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2005 Compared with
the same period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%)
Table 229 Sales cost of product of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 331
Table 230 Growth of Sales cost of product of China’s coal mining
and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2005 Compared with the
same period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 333
Table 231 Sales expenditure of product of China’s coal mining
and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 335
Table 232 Growth of Sales expenditure of product of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2005 Compared with
the same period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%)
Table 233 Accumulative total product sales taxes and Add-ons of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec
in2005(Data of each month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 339
Table 234 Growth of Accumulative total product sales taxes and
Add-ons of China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to
Dec in 2005 Compared with the same period last year(Data of each
month by province,Unit:%) 340
Table 235 Accumulative total profit of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 342
Table 236 Accumulative total Finance charge of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each
month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 344
Table 237 Growth of Accumulative total finace charge of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in 2005 Compared
with the same period last year(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 346
Table 238 Accumulative total administrative expenses of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of
each month by province,Unit:1000yuan) 348
Table 239 Growth of Accumulative total administrative expenses
of China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec
in2005Compared with the same period last year(Data of each month
by province,Unit:%) 350
Table 240 Accumulative total tax of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 352
Table 241 Growth of Accumulative total tax of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005Compared with
the same period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%)
Table 242 Ratio of Profits to Cost of net fixed assets of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec
in2005(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 356
Table 243 Total Assets of China’s coal mining and washing owners
from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:1000Yuan) 358
Table 244 Growth of Total assets of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005Compared with the same
period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 360
Table 245 Total Liability of net fixed assets of China’s coal
mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each
month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 362
Table 246 Growth of Total Liability of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005Compared with the same
period last year(Data of each month by province,Unit:%) 364
Table 247 The average balance of net fixed assets of China’s
coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of
each month by province,Unit:1000Yuan) 366
Table 248 Growth of The average balance of net fixed assets of
China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to Dec
in2005Compared with the same period last year(Data of each month
by province,Unit:%) 368
Table 249 Debt to assets ratio of China’s coal mining and
washing owners from Jan to Dec in2005(Data of each month by
province,Unit:%) 370
Table 250 Sales revenue,profit,total acess,total numer of
employees of China’s coal mining and washing owners from Jan to
Dec in2005(Data of each month by province) 372
Table 251 Monthly Statistics of Volume of Coke Export of China
in 2005(Kg) 373
Table 252 Monthly Statistics of Value of Coke Export of China in
2005(USD) 373
Table 253 Monthly Statistics of Volume of Anthracite import of
China in 2005(Kg) 373
Table 254 Monthly Statistics of Value of Anthracite import of
China in 2005(USD) 374
Table 255 Monthly Statistics of Volume of Anthracite export of
China in 2005(Kg) 374
Table 256 Monthly Statistics of Value of Anthracite export of
China in 2005(USD) 375
Table 257 Monthly Statistics of Volume of coking coal import of
China in 2005(Kg) 375
Table 258 Monthly Statistics of Value of coking coal import of
China in 2005(USD) 376
Table 259 Monthly Statistics of Volume of coking coal export of
China in 2005(Kg) 376
Table 260 Monthly Statistics of Value of coking coal export of
China in 2005(USD) 377
Table 261 Statistics of Coal Export of China from 1995 to 2004
Table 262 China’s Coal importation and exportation in 2004 and
2003 (MMt) 379
Table 263 Coal export by enterprises in 2003 and 2004 380
Table 264 Coal export by enterprises from 2001 to 2002 381
Table 265 Coal Export by Enterprises in December and Whole Year
2001 381
Table 266 Coal export by by destination in 2003 and 2004 382
Figure 1 Energy consumption in China, 2001-2006 4
Figure 2 Energy production in China from 1952 to 2006 6
Figure 3 Distribution of China’s Demonstrated Reserves by
Regions 9
Figure 4 Coal resources in China 16
Figure 5 Coal Rank Mix of China 20
Figure 6 Monthly production and growth trends of crude coal,
2004-2006 31
Figure 7 Monthly accumulative production and growth trends of
crude coal, 2004-2006 31
Figure 8 Monthly accumulative gross value of industrial output
and growth trends of coal industry, 2004-2006 32
Figure 9 China’s Raw Coal Production ,1994 to 2005 38
Figure 10 Raw coal production in China by type of enterprises 41
Figure 11 Trend of China’s Coke Output 2001-2006 (10, 000 tons
Figure 12 Trend of China’s Coke Monthly Output in 2006 (10, 000
tons) 89
Figure 13 Price Trend of Grade II Metallurgical Coke in
China(Yuan/ton) 100
Figure 14 China’s Coke Consumption in Major Sectors 2005-2006
Figure 15 Coke Rate (kg/t) of Steel Enterprises 1993-2006 102
Figure 16 Forecast on the Coke Output in China (10,000 tons) 106
Figure 17 Coal consumption, by province, 1999 120
Figure 18 Coal consumption of thermal power industry in
China(Unit:108tons) 124
Figure 19 Coal consumption of steel industry in
China(Unit:108tons) 124
Figure 20 Coal consumption of chemical industry in China
(Unit:108tons) 125
Figure 21 Location of China's Major Ports 145
Figure 22 Monthly average price of commercial coal of State-run
Mines in 2006 146
Figure 23 Monthly average price of thermal coal of State-run
Mines in 2006 147
Figure 24 Datong therma coal price(6000, tax not included ),Jan
06-Apr,04(Yuan/t) 156
Figure 25 Minehead pric of Tianyuan thermal coal (6300, tax not
included ),Dec 04-Apr,04 (Yuan/t) 156
Figure 26 Minehead pric of Shanxi coking coal,Jan 05-Apr,04
(Yuan/t) 157
Figure 27 Minehead pric of anthracite coal,Jan 05-Apr,04
(Yuan/t) 157
Figure 28 Coal Export of China,1995 to 2005 378
Figure 29 International coal trade of China in 2004 379