China Coal
Supply and Demand Forecast (2004-2010)

Table of Contents
1 Status of energy consumption in China 3
2 Reserve, grade and distribution of coal in China 8
2.1 Reserve 8
2.2 Grade of coal 12
2.3 Distribution of coal 16
3 Production of coal in China 25
3.1 Historical production 25
3.2 Production structure of central government-controlled key
coal mines/administrations, provincial and local
government-owned coal mines/administrations and village or
private small mines 27
3.3 Manufacturers 35
3.4 Regional structure 38
4.Coal price in China 39
4.1 Average reference prices of raw coal of state-owned mines 39
4.2 Monthly coal price in Shanxi province in 2004 41
4.3 Average Coal Prices at Qinhuangdao Port in 2004 43
4.4 Monthly Coal Prices in Beijing in 2004 46
4.5 Monthly Coal Prices in Shanghai in 2004 46
4.6 Monthly Coal Prices in Hangzhou in 2004 47
4.7 Monthly Coal Prices in Guangzhou in 2004 47
4.8 Monthly Coal Prices in Xiamen in 2004 48
4.9 Monthly Coal Prices in Nanning in 2004 48
4.10 Monthly Coal Prices in Shenyang in 2004 49
5Coal consumption in China 50
5.1 Consumption structure 50
5.2 Coal consumption by industries in China 54
5.3Forecast of coal consumption by industries in China 61
6 Forecast of supply and demand trend of coal in China 64
6.1 Overview of Supply and demand of coal in China 64
6.2 Forecast of Supply and demand of coal in China 66
7 Import and export of coal in China 67
8 Growth trend of coal industry in China and affecting factors
8.1China's energy policy and its influence to coal production
and sales 81
8.2China's energy saving and environment protection policy and
their influence to coal production and sales 81
9 Transportation trend for coals in China 84
9.1Review of transportation for coals 84
9.2Railway system of transportation for coals in future 86
9.3 Waterborne system of transportation for coals in future 91
Tables 94
Figures 96
Table 1 Energy comsumption in China from 1952 to 2004 3
Table 2 Energy production in China from 1952 to 2004 5
Table 3 Composition of energy production in China,1952- 2004 6
Table 4 Major Coal-Forming Basins and their Resources 11
Table 5 Distribution of Coal Ranks and Their Reserves and
Resources by Provinces and Regions 13
Table 6 Distribution of Total Sulfur in China's Coal Resources
Table 7 Distribution of Total Sulfur in China's Commercial Coal
Table 8 China's Proved-up Coal Reserves & the Distribution up to
the End of 1997 16
Table 9 Coal Resources and Their Distribution in China (Between
0 and 2000 m in depth) 19
Table 10 Distribution of Coal Ranks and Their Predicted
Resources in China 21
Table 11 Demonstrated and Recoverable Reserves of Different Aged
Coal in Different Provinces 23
Table 12 China's Raw Coal Production ,1994 to 2004 (Bt) 25
Table 13 China's Raw Coal Production and its Growth,1980 to 2004
Table 14 Statistics of Raw Coal Outputs by Coal Rank,1990 to
2004 26
Table 15 output of raw coal of central government-controlled key
coalmines in 2005 27
Table 16 Raw Coal Production of Key government coalmines
(1996-2005) 28
Table 17 Output growth by type of coalmines in China, 1981 to
2005 29
Table 18 Monthly output of raw coal of government-controlled key
coal mines in China in 2004 30
Table 19 Monthly output of raw coal of government-controlled key
coal mines in China in 2004(continued) 30
Table 20 Raw coal output of key state mines in China in 2004 31
Table 21 Raw coal output of local government-owned coal mines
,1996-2005 32
Table 22 Raw coal output of local government-owned coalmines in
2005 32
Table 23 Output of raw coal of township and private coalmines in
2005 33
Table 24 Historical output of raw coal of township and private
coalmines (1996-2005) 33
Table 25 Monthly output of raw coal of township and private
coalmines in China in 2004 34
Table 26 Monthly output of raw coal of village or private owned
mines in China in 2004(continued) 34
Table 27 Output of key state-owned enterprises in 2004 (10kt) 35
Table 28 Rank of Output of key state-owned enterprises in 2004
(10kt) 38
Table 29 Historical Outputs of Raw Coal by Provinces,2000 to
2004(Mil.tons) 38
Table 30 Mean Prices of Raw Coal of China from 1990 to 2004 40
Table 31 Monthly coal price in Shanxi province by region, Jan.,
2004- Dec., 2004 41
Table 32 Monthly Average Coal Prices of Datong high-grade mixed
coal (calorific value >6000 kilocalories per kilogram)at
Qinhuangdao Port,Sep., 2002 to Feb., 2005 43
Table 33 Monthly Average Coal Prices of Shanxi high-grade mixed
coal (calorific value >5500 kilocalories per kilogram)at
Qinhuangdao Port,Sep., 2002 to Feb., 2005 44
Table 34 Monthly Average Coal Prices of Kailuan high-grade mixed
coal (calorific value >4800 kilocalories per kilogram)at
Qinhuangdao Port,Sep., 2002 to Feb., 2005 45
Table 35 Monthly Coal Prices in Beijing in 2004 46
Table 36 Coal Consumption from 1995 to 2004 50
Table 37 Statistics of Coal Consumption in China by Provinces
from 1992 to 1995 51
Table 38 Statistics of Coal Consumption of China by Provinces
from 1996 to 1997 53
Table 39 Coal Consumption by Industrial Sectors of Coal from key
State Coal Mines from 1995 to 2000 55
Table 40 Output of major coal-consuming industries In 2004(Unit:
Mt) 56
Table 41 Total Installed cpacity, fossil,hydro generating
capacity in China ,1998-2004(Unit:108Kwh) 56
Table 42 Annual Electricity Generation in
China,1990-2004(Unit:108Kwh) 57
Table 43 Fossil Electricity Generation in 2004 by province 57
Table 44 Coal consumption of building material industry in China
Table 45 Forecast of coal consumption by industries 62
Table 46 Total coal consumption and forecast of growth 63
Table 47 Coal production capacity growth trend 64
Table 48 Middle and long term projection of demand and supply
gap 65
Table 49 Monthly export of coal in China, Jan. to Dec. in 2005
Table 50 Import and export of coal in China by coal type in 2005
Table 51 Comparision of volume and value of coal between 2005
and 2004. 69
Table 52 Coal exports by country/district in December, 2005 69
Table 53 Details of coal exports by country in 2004 72
Table 54 Coke exports of China in December,2005 75
Table 55 Coal imports of China in 2005 77
Table 56 Origin and price of import of coal in 2005 by coal type
Table 57 Four technique fields of clean coal in China's coal
industry 81
Table 58 Influence analysis of China's energy saving policy to
coal industry 82
Table 59 Influence analysis of environmental protection to coal
industry 83
Table 60 Coal transportation and trade of state-owned key mines
in 2004 85
Table 61 Coal stockpiles of different producers in December,
2004 86
Table 62 Coal Transportation by Railways in China,
1981-2004(10000 tons) 87
Table 63 Coal Transportation by Railways in 2002 & 2003 87
Table 64 Coal Transportation by Railways in 2001 & 2002 88
Table 65 Coal Transportation by Railways in 2000 & 2001 88
Table 66 China's Coal Transportation Statistics from 1990 to
1999 88
Figure 1 Composition of energy production in China in 2004 3
Figure 2 Composition of energy consumption in China in 2003 3
Figure 3 Composition of energy production in China in 2003 4
Figure 4 Energy production in China from 1952 to 2004 5
Figure 5 Distribution of China's Demonstrated Reserves by
Regions 9
Figure 6 Coal Rank Mix of China 12
Figure 7 Coal resources in China 20
Figure 8 China's Raw Coal Production ,1994 to 2004 25
Figure 9 Raw coal production in China by type of enterprises 28
Figure 10 Coal Consumption from 1995 to 2004 51
Figure 11 Coal consumption, by province, 1999 54
Figure 12 Coal consumption of thermal power industry in
China(Unit:108tons) 58
Figure 13 Coal consumption of steel industry in
China(Unit:108tons) 59
Figure 14 Coal consumption of chemical industry in China
(Unit:108tons) 60
Figure 15 Gap between domestic supply and demand for coal 64
Unit: 0,000 tons 64
Unit: 000 million tons 65
Figure 16 Middle and long-term railway network construction plan
Figure 17 Location of China's Major Ports 92