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      China Electric Power Industry Research Report 2006

      China Electric Power Industry Research Report 2006

      Published:Jan 21st 2007

      Table of contents

      1. Basic situation of China's electric power industry 5
      1.1 Status and development of China's electric power industry in China's energy production 5
      1.2 Economic cycle of electric power industry 8
      1.3 Installed capacity 9
      1.4 Historical electric power generation 11
      1.5 Mechanism for supervision and management of the electric power industry 12
      1.5.1 Organization for supervision and management system in China 12
      1.5.2 Main supervision codes 14

      2. Basic situation of China's electric power market in 2006 15
      2.1 Electric power generation and region distribution 15
      2.1.1 Total electric power generation 15
      2.1.2 Thermal power generation by provinces 23
      2.1.3 Hydroelectric power generation by province 28
      2.2 Electricity consumption 35
      2.2.1 Total electricity consumption and electricity consumption by industries in China 35
      2.2.2 Highest electricity load of China's power system 37
      2. 3 Analysis of electricity shortage in China 39
      2.3.1 Gap of supply and demand of electricity in China 39
      3.3.2 Causes of electricity shortage 39
      2.3.3 Effect of present situation of power system investment on tense electricity supply 41
      2.4 Forecast of trend of electricity supply in 2006 42
      2.5 Analysis of electricity price in 2006 43
      2.6 Effect of electricity shortage on high energy-consuming industries 47

      3. Forecast of China's electric power market in 2006 48
      3.1 Thermal coal supply system in China 48
      3.2 Effect of too rapid increase of industrial production on tense electricity 50
      3.3 Forecast of China's electric power market in 2006 54

      4. Analysis of electric power policies in China 56
      4.1 State Council calls for restraints on power plant construction 56
      4.2 Environmental protection: power plant adding to the factor of policy risk again 58
      4.3 Mechanism of supervision of electric power market still does not go smooth 59
      4.4 Medium and long-term plan of electric power industry 62

      5. Situation and development prospect of China's hydro power resources 63
      5.1 Gross hydro power resources and present situation of its development 63
      5.2 Analysis and development plan of hydro electric resources in the 13 hydro power bases 65
      5.2.1 Jinsha River (the biggest hydro power base) 65
      5.2.2 Upriver of Yangtse (the second biggest hydro power base) 67
      5.2.3 Lantsang River 71
      5.2.4 Yalong River 73
      5.2.5 Dadu River
      5.2.6 Nu River

      6. Electricity power investment 78
      6.1 Analysis of present situation of electric power investment 78
      6.1.1 Huge investment demand 78
      6.1.2 Investment trend of power supply 79
      6.2 Forecast of investment 79
      6.2.1 Nuclear power will speed up its expansion 79
      6.2.2 Renewable energy power has been paid attention to 80
      6.2.3 Nongovernmental capital and foreign invest still face policy risks 82

      7. Overall indicators of China's electricity production industry 82
      7.1Overall indicators of China's electricity production industry 83
      7.1.1Total number of enterprises of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006 83
      7.1.2Total number of loss making enterprises of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006 84
      7.1.3Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises 85
      7.1.4Number of Employees 86
      7.2Sales, costs and profits indicators of China's electricity production industry 88
      7.2.1 Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of China's electricity production industry 88
      7.2.2 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's electricity production industry 91
      7.2.3 Expenditure of sales of China's electricity production industry 93
      7.2.4 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's electricity production industry 94
      7.2.5Total profits of China's electricity production industry 96
      7.2.6Total Finance charge of China's electricity production industry 97
      7.2.7Total administrative expenses of China's electricity production industry 99
      7.2.8Total tax of China's electricity production industry 102
      7.2.9 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's electricity production industry 103
      7.3Asset-liability indicators of China's electricity production industry 105
      7.3.1Total Assets of China's electricity production industry 105
      7.3.2Total liability of China's electricity production industry 107
      7.3.3 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's electricity production industry 109
      7.3.4Ratio of debts to assets of China's electricity production industry 111
      7.4 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's electricity production industry 112

      8 Overall indicators of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 113
      8.1 Overall indicators of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 113
      8.1.1 Total number of enterprises of China's electric power transmission and supply industry by province from 2001 to 2006 113
      8.1.2 Total number of loss making enterprises 114
      8.1.3 Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises 116
      8.1.4 Number of Employees 117
      8.2 Sales, costs and profits indicators of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 118
      8.2.1 Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 118
      8.2.2 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 121
      8.2.3 Expenditure of sales of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 123
      8.2.4 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 125
      8.2.5 Total profits of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 127
      8.2.6 Total Finance charge of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 128
      8.2.7 Total administrative expenses of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 130
      8.2.8 Total tax of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 132
      8.2.9 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 133
      8.3 Asset-liability indicators of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 134
      8.3.1 Total Assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 134
      8.3.2 Total Liability of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 136
      8.3.3 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 138
      8.3.4 Ratio of debts to assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 140
      8.4 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 141


      Tables 144
      Figures 147
      Table 1 Total installed capacity, installed capacity of coal fired power, installed hydro power capacity in China, 1990-2006(10MW) 10
      Table 2 Total electric power generation in China in 2006 by province 18
      Table 3 Total electric power generation in China in 2004 by province 19
      Table 4 Total electric power generation in China in 2003 by province 20
      Table 5 Total electric power generation in China in 2002 by province 20
      Table 6 Total electric power generation in China in 2001 by province 21
      Table 7 Thermal power generation in China in 2006 by province( 104KWH) 23
      Table 8 Hydro-power generation in China in 2006(104KWH) 28
      Table 9 Hydro-power generation in China by province in 2004 32
      Table 10 Hydro-power generation in China by province in 2003(108KWH) 32
      Table 11 Hydro-power generation in China by province in 2002 33
      Table 12 Hydro-power generation in China by province in 2001 34
      Table 13 Total Electric Power Consumption in China in 2006 37
      Table 14 Highest monthly electricity need load of domestic main power system from January to December of 2004 38
      Table 15 Power price in China in 2006( <315KVA, Yuan/100 Kwh) 44
      Table 16 China's hydro power resources 63
      Table 17 The investment demand of power industry in China 79
      Table 18 Classification of industry related to electricity 82
      Table 19 Total number of enterprises of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006 83
      Table 20 Total number of loss making enterprises of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006 84
      Table 21 Total Loss of loss-making enterprises of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006(Unit:1000yuan) 85
      Table 22 Number of employees of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006) 86
      Table 23 Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006(K Yuan) 88
      Table 24 Growth rate of total sales revenue of China's electricity production industry by province from 2001 to 2006(%) 90
      Table 25 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(K Yuan) 91
      Table 26 Growth rate of total cost of sales of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 92
      Table 27 Expenditure of sales of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 Yuan) 93
      Table 28 Growth rate of expenditure of sales of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 94
      Table 29 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of sales of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 94
      Table 30 Growth rate of Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of sales of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006 95
      Table 31 Total profits of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan)) 96
      Table 32 Total financial expenditure of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 97
      Table 33 Growth rate of total financial expenditure of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 98
      Table 34 Total administrative expenses of China's electricity production industry 99
      Table 35 Growth rate of total administrative expenses of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 100
      Table 36 Total tax of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006 (Unit: 1000 yuan) 102
      Table 37 Growth rate of total tax of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 102
      Table 38 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 103
      Table 39 Total assets of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 105
      Table 40 Growth rate of total assets of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 106
      Table 41 Total liability of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 107
      Table 42 Growth rate of total liability of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006) 108
      Table 43 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 109
      Table 44 Growth rate of total fixed assets of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 110
      Table 45 Ratio of debts to assets of China's electricity production industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 111
      Table 46 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's electricity production industry in Dec., 2006 112
      Table 47 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's electricity production industry in Dec., 2004 112
      Table 48 Total number of loss making enterprises of China's electric power transmission and supply industry by province from 2001 to 2006 114
      Table 49 Total Loss of loss-making enterprises of China's electric power transmission and supply industry by province from 2001 to 2006(Unit:1000yuan) 116
      Table 50 Number of employees of China's electric power transmission and supply industry by province from 2001 to 2006 117
      Table 51 Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of China's electric power transmission and supply industry by province from 2001 to 2006(K Yuan) 118
      Table 52 Growth rate of total sales revenue of China's electric power transmission and supply industry by province from 2001 to 2006(%) 120
      Table 53 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(K Yuan) 121
      Table 54 Growth rate of total cost of sales of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 122
      Table 55 Expenditure of sales of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 Yuan) 123
      Table 56 Growth rate of expenditure of sales of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 124
      Table 57 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of sales of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 125
      Table 58 Growth rate of Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of sales of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 126
      Table 59 Total profits of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 127
      Table 60 Total finacial expenditure of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 128
      Table 61 Growth rate of total finacial expenditure of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 129
      Table 62 Total administrative expenses of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006 130
      Table 63 Growth rate of total administrative expenses of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 131
      Table 64 Total tax of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006 (Unit: 1000 yuan) 132
      Table 65 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 133
      Table 66 Total assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 134
      Table 67 Growth rate of total assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 135
      Table 68 Total Liability of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 136
      Table 69 Growth rate of total Liability of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006 137
      Table 70 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(1000 yuan) 138
      Table 71 Growth rate of total fixed assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 139
      Table 72 Ratio of debts to assets of China's electric power transmission and supply industry from 2001 to 2006(%) 140
      Table 73 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's electric power transmission and supply industry in Dec., 2006 141


      Figure 1 Proportion of coal for generating electricity to total coal output 5
      Figure 2 Comparison of growth rate of energy and electric power generation 7
      Figure 3 Proportion of hydro-power production to total energy production 7
      Figure 4 Elasticity coefficients of power industry in the past 10 years in China 8
      Figure 5 Growth of electric power production and growth rate of GDP 9
      Figure 1. Installed capacity power in China,1990-2006 10
      Figure 2. Installed capacity of coal fired power in China,1990-2006 11
      Figure 3. Ratio of Profits to Costs of China's electric power transmission and supply industry 41
      Figure 6 Power Grid Distribution in China 43
      Figure 7 Coal consumption of thermal power industry in China(Unit:108tons) 48
      Figure 8 Order quantity of coal in coal-ordering conference in 2001-2004 49
      Figure 9 Structure of proven reserves of energy in China 63
      Figure 10 Recoverable reserves of energy in China 64
      Figure 11 Development status of hydro power resources in China 64
      Figure 12 District distribution of hydro power resources in China 65
      Figure 13 General scale of the 13 large hydro-power basess is 0.27 billion kW, accounting for 67% of that of all the bases of China 66
      Figure 14 Sketch map of Jinsha River hydro power base station (with scale of nearly 60000MW) 66
      Figure 15 Development blue print of the lower-middle-reach rundle of Jinsha River 67
      Figure 16 Sketch map of hydro power base station of upriver of Yangtse 69
      Figure 17 Development blue print of upriver of upriver rundle of Yangtse (scale being nearly 30000MW) 70
      Figure 18 Sketch map of hydro power base station of trunk stream of Lantsang 71
      Figure 19 Development blue print of rundle of Lantsang's trunk stream (scale being nearly 25000MW) 72
      Figure 20 Sketch map of hydro power base station of Yalong River 73
      Figure 21 Vertical section map of rundle electricity station on Yalong River's trunk stream (scale being nearly 25000MW) 74
      Figure 22 Sketch map of hydro power base station of Dadu River 75
      Figure 23 Vertical section map of rundle electricity station on Dadu River's trunk stream (scale being nearly 22000MW) 76
      Figure 24 Sketch map of hydro power base station of Nu River 77


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