China Iron Ore Mining Industry Research Report 2008
The report analysis the reserve, grade, production , price,
cost, export and import, economic statistics of iron
ore mining industry in China. Latest statistics of
production cost, grade, output of key iron ore enterprises
are provided in the report.
Table of Contents
1 Analysis of China's iron ore resource and utilization 7
1.1 Iron Ore reserves and distribution in China 7
1.1.1 Iron Ore reserves in China 7
1.1.2 Quality and features of iron ore resources in China 10
1.1.3 Bonanza zone of iron ore resources in China 12
1.1.4 Hypothetical iron ore reserves in China 13
1.2 Reserves of iron ore by mines in China 15
2. Production of iron ore in China 23
2.1 Output of iron ore in China in 2007 23
2.1.1 Output of iron ore in China in 2007 23
2.1.2 Output of iron ore in China in 2007 by province 24
2.2 Forecast of iron ore production in China,2008-2010 24
2.4 Output of iron ore in China in 2006 25
2.4.1 Output of iron ore in China in 2006 by province 25
2.4.2 Output of iron ore in China in 2006 by enterprises 26 of crude iron ore in 2006 by enterprises 26 of iron ore fine in 2006 by enterprises 27
2.5 Output of iron ore in China in 2005 28
2.6 Production of pellet in China 36
3 Analysis of key iron ore mines in China 40
3.1 Output of key iron ore in China in 2007 and forecast of
production by mines,2008-2010 40
3.2 Production cost of iron ore mining and concentrate by
enterprises in China 50
3.3 Main Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Open-pit iron ore
mines in China 54
3.3.1 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Open-pit iron ore
mines in China in 2005 54
3.3.2 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Open-pit iron ore
mines in China in 2003 59
3.4 Main Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Underground Mines
in China 63
3.4.1 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Important Underground
Mines in China 63
3.4.2 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Underground Mines in
2003 67
3.5 Iron production output of key mines in China 75
3.6Technical-Economic Indicators of Key concentrating mills 79
4 Imports and Exports of iron ore in China 89
4.1 Imports and Exports of iron ore in China,2007 89
4.2International ocean freight of imported iron ore in China in
2007 92
4.3 The quantity, nation, import price and international ocean
freight of imported iron ore in China in 2005 93
4.3.1Analysis of imported iron ore quantity in China in 2005 93
4.3.2 Import of iron ore by origin 94
4.3.3 Quantity of imported iron ore by customs in 2005 95
4.3.4 Imported Indian ore price declined as domestic ore price
fell in 2005. 97
4.4 Analysis of Import of iron ore in 2004 98
4.4.1 Analysis of volume of import of iron ore in 2004 98
4.4.2 Characteristics of iron ore Imports in 2004 100
4.5 Quality of import iron ore in 2004 and problems that the
Chinese importers should pay attention to 103
4.5.1 Overall quality problem of imported iron ore in 2004 103
4.5.2 Quality characters and disqualification rate of iron ore
from Australia in 2004 and the problems which the Chinese
importers should pay attention to 104
4.5.3 Quality characters and disqualification rate of iron ore
from Brazil in 2004 and the problems which the Chinese importers
should pay attention to 105
4.5.4 Quality characters and disqualification rate of iron ore
from India in 2004 and the problems which the Chinese importers
should pay attention to 106
4.5.5 Quality characters and disqualification rate of iron ore
from other supply countries in 2004 108
4.5.6 Matters in contract provisions of importing iron ore that
should be paid attention to 109
5. Analysis of prices of iron ore 111
5.1 Long term contract price of international iron ore market 111
5.2 Import price of iron ore 111
5.3 Price of import iron ore from India, Brazil and Australia
5.4 Spot price of iron ore fines in China 113
5.5 Review of history of the domestic prices of iron ore in
China 114
5.6 Analysis of Domestic Prices of Iron Ore in China in 2005 And
2006 119
5.6.1 Influence of domestic market price of steel products on
price of iron ore in 2005 and 2006 119
5.6.2 Analysis of domestic prices of iron ore fines in China in
2005 and 2006 121
5.6.3 Analysis of prices of import iron ore in China in 2005 and
2006 130
5.6.4 Analysis of international ocean freight of iron ore 132
6. Strategy analysis on Chinese enterprises' investment in
building iron mines abroad 135
6.1 Full utilization of the iron ore resources overseas and
ensure the sustainable development of China's steel and iron
industry 135
6.2 Investing in the construction of iron mines abroad is one of
the basic ways of utilizing the iron ore resources overseas 135
6.3 Overview of China's investment in building iron mines abroad
and summary of experience 137
6.3.1 Overview of China's investment in building iron mines
abroad 137
6.3.2 An experience summary of some projects of investment in
building iron mines abroad 145 Australian Channar iron mines 145 Shougang Group's iron mines in Peru 146 ASA Metals Ltd. 148
6.3.3 Other risks of joint-venture running iron ore mines 151 Exchange rate risk 151 Risk of price change of iron ore 151
6.3.4 Strategy of China's investment in iron mines abroad 152 Mode of domestic enterprises' investment in running iron
mines abroad 152 Mines selection and countries selection of invest iron
ore mines abroad 153 Commercial and trade principles of investment in opening
iron mines abroad 154 Joint-venture building iron mines 154
7Statistics of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007 156
7.1Overall indicators of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2007 156
7.1.1Total number of enterprises of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2007 156
7.1.2Total number of loss making enterprises 158
7.1.3Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises 159
7.1.4Number of Employees 160
7.2 Sales, costs and profits indicators of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 161
7.2.1Sales Revenue of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 161
7.2.2Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 163
7.2.3Expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
7.2.4Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry 167
7.2.5Total profits of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 169
7.2.6Total Finance charge of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
7.2.7Total administrative expenses of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 172
7.2.8Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 174
7.2.9Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry 176
7.3Asset-liability indicators of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 177
7.3.1Total Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 177
7.3.2Total Liability of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 179
7.3.3Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 181
7.3.4Ratio of debts to assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 183
8Statistics of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006 185
8.1Overall indicators of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2006 185
8.1.1Total number of enterprises of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2006 185
8.1.2Total number of loss making enterprises 186
8.1.3Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises 188
8.1.4Number of Employees 189
8.2 Sales, costs and profits indicators of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 191
8.2.1Sales Revenue of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 191
8.2.2Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 194
8.2.3Expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
8.2.4Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry 200
8.2.5Total profits of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 203
8.2.6Total Finance charge of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
8.2.7Total administrative expenses of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 207
8.2.8Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 210
8.2.9Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry 213
8.3Asset-liability indicators of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 215
8.3.1Total Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 215
8.3.2Total Liability of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 218
8.3.3Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 221
8.3.4Ratio of debts to assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 224
9 Statistics of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2005 226
9.1 Overall indicators of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2005 226
9.1.1 Total number of enterprises of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2005 226
9.1.2 Total number of loss making enterprises 227
9.1.3 Total Loss of loss-making Enterprises 229
9.1.4 Number of Employees 231
9.2. Sales, costs and profits indicators of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 233
9.2.1 Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 233
9.2.2 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 236
9.2.3 Expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
9.2.4 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry 242
9.2.5 Total profits of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 245
9.2.6 Total Finance charge of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
9.2.7 Total administrative expenses of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 250
9.2.8 Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 253
9.2.9 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry 256
9.3 Asset-liability indicators of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 257
9.3.1 Total Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 257
9.3.2Total Liability of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 261
9.3.3Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 264
9.3.4Ratio of debts to assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry 267
9.4 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry 268
Figures 276
Tables 277
Figure 1 Composition of proven reserves of iron ore in China by
region in 2000 8
Figure 2 Monthly iron ore output in China in 2005 29
Figure 3 Output of iron ore by district in China in 2005 30
Figure 4 Output of iron ore in 2005(Mil. tons) 32
Figure 5 Growth of output of key iron ore enterprises and middle
and small scale enterprises in 2005 33
Figure 6 Output of pellet in China,1998-2006(10000 t) 37
Figure 7 Iron ore import in China, 1990 to2007 90
Figure 8 Average freight of iron ore 93
Figure 9 Volume and growth rateof import of iron ore in China
from 2004 to 2005 94
Figure 10 Volume of import of iron ore by origin in China in
2005 95
Figure 11 Proportion of volume of import of iron ore by origin
in China in 2005 95
Figure 12 Volume of import by customs in 2005 96
Figure 13 Proportion of volume of import by customs in 2005 96
Figure 14 Price of imported iron ore fines in Tianjin port in
2005(on board price) 97
Figure 15 International freight in 2005 98
Figure 16 Average CIF price of iron ore ,2007-2008 112
Figure 17 Comparision of price of import iron ore from India,
Brazil and Australia 113
Figure 18 Spot price of iron ore fines in China 113
Figure 19 Compare of price of domestic iron ore fines and abroad
Figure 20 Overal price index of steel products in China, Jan.
2005 to Jan.,2006 120
Figure 21 Price of steel billets and pig iron for steel making,
Jan.,2005 to Feb., 2006 121
Figure 22 Price of iron ore fines in Northeast China, Hebei
province, Jan. 2005 to Feb., 2006 122
Figure 23 Price of iron ore fines in main districts, Jan. to
Dec. 2005 122
Figure 24 Price of imported Indian iron ore fines in Tianjin
port, Jan. 2005 to Feb. 2006 130
Figure 25 Iron ore inventory of main ports in Jan, 2006 131
Figure 26 Fob price comparision of iron ore import between China
and Japan 1991-2004 131
Figure 27 Internation freight (150-160 tonns vessels) 133
Figure 28 Freight difference between Brazil to China and West
Australia to China,2001-2005 133
Figure 29 Freight difference among Brazil to China,West
Australia to China and India to China,2001-2005 134
Figure 30 CIF comparison among domestic, Australia,Brazil, South
Africa and India ,2002-2005 134
Table 1 Proven reserves of iron ore in China by province, 2000 7
Table 2 World iron ore reserves and resources base by 2007(Mt)
Table 3 Key concentration zones of iron ore in China 12
Table 4 Forecast of iron ore resources in key iron ore deposits
in China 14
Table 5 Reserves of iron ore by mines in China in 2007 16
Table 6 Production of key mines and total production in
China(10000 t) 23
Table 7 Monthly production in 2007 23
Table 8 Output of iron ore in China in 2007 by province 24
Table 9 Output of iron ore in China in 2006 by province 25
Table 10 Output of crude iron ore in 2006 by enterprises(t) 26
Table 11 Output of iron ore fine in 2006 by enterprises(t) 27
Table 12 Iron ore output by province in China in 2005 30
Table 13 Monthly iron ore output in China in 2004 34
Table 14 Raw iron ores output by province in China in 2004 (t)
Table 15 Output of pyrites (including 35% of S) by province in
China in 2004 (t) 36
Table 16 Statistics of Belt sinters in China in 2006 37
Table 17 Statistics of production capacity of rotary drum sinter
in 2007 by enterprises 37
Table 18 Output of raw iron ore and ore concentrate of key iron
mine in China (10,000 tons) 41
Table 19 Cost of iron ore and concentrate by enterprises in
2006(Yuan/t) 50
Table 20 Cost of iron ore mining by enterprise (Yuan/t) 51
Table 21 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Open-pit iron ore
mines in China(ore mining cost, ore grade, ore recovery ratio,
ore dilution ratio, consumption of detonator, exploder and
blasting fuse , stripping ratio ) in 2005 54
Table 22 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Open-pit iron ore
mines in China (Labor productivity, excavator efficiency,
electric engine efficiency above 80 tons, roller bit efficiency,
42 tons automobile efficiency, electricity consumed, tyres
consumed ) 56
Table 23 Ore Grade and stripping ratio of key iron ore mines in
2003 59
Table 24 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Open-pit iron ore
mines in China(Labor capacity, electricity consumed ) 60
Table 25 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Important
Underground Mines (ore mining cost, ore grade, ore recovery
ratio, ore dilution ratio, consumption of detonator, exploder
and blasting fuse , stripping ratio) 63
Table 26 Technical-Economic Indicators of Important Underground
Mines (labor productivity, mining man shift efficiency, driving
man shift efficiency, loader efficiency, scraper efficiency,
Electricity consumed) 64
Table 27 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key Underground Mines
in 2003 [ton (total)/one person month] 67
Table 28 Raw Ore Grade, concentrate ore Grade and Tailing Grade
of key underground mines in China in 2003 69
Table 29 Concentration ratio, metal recovery of important
underground mines in China in 2003 72
Table 30 Iron ore production output in 2005 of key mines in
China 75
Table 31 Iron ore production output in 2003 of key mines in
China 76
Table 32 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key concentrating
mill(kominuter work rates, concentrate ore cost, iron shot
consumption) 79
Table 33 Technical-Economic Indicators of Key concentrating
mills(labor productivity, crude ore Grade, concentrate ore
Grade, Tailing Grade, concentration ratio, metal recovery,
utilization coefficient)in 2005 83
Table 34 Iron ore import, consumption of iron ore concentrate ,
Iron ore concentrate import in China, 1990 to2007 89
Table 35 Import of iron ore by origin in 2007 in China 90
Table 36 Import of iron ore by province in 2007 in China 91
Table 37 Average freight of Brazil to Beilun, Baoshan of
imported iron ore in China 2007-2008 92
Table 38 Average freight of West Australia to Beilun, Baoshan of
imported iron ore in China 2007-2008 92
Table 39 Monthly value and volume of iron ore import and export
in 2004 99
Table 40 Volume and vaule of import of iron ore by origin in
China in 2004 99
Table 41 Long term contract price of internation iron ore market
Table 42 Prices of iron ore fines supplied by subsidiary iron
ore mines to steel union enterprises ,1995 to 2003(Tax not
included, yuan/ton) 116
Table 43 Prices of iron ore supplied by independent iron ore
mines 1995 to 2003(Tax not included, yuan/ton) 118
Table 44 Price comparision of iron ore fines in key districts in
China, Jan. 2005 to Jan 2006 Unit:Yuan/ton 126
Table 45 Purchase price of some steel plants in China in Jan.
2006(2006.1.1-2006.1.31) 128
Table 46 Lists of overseas iron ore projects 139
Table 47 Total number of enterprises of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2007 156
Table 48 Total number of loss making enterprises of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry by province in 2007 158
Table 49 Total Loss of loss-making enterprises of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry by province in 2007(Unit:1000yuan) 159
Table 50 Number of employees of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
by province in 2007 160
Table 51 Sales Revenue of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry by
province in 2007(K Yuan) 161
Table 52 Growth rate of Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry by province in 2007 (%) 162
Table 53 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2007 (K Yuan) 163
Table 54 Growth rate of total cost of sales of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2007 164
Table 55 Expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2007(K Yuan) 165
Table 56 Growth rate of expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2007(%) 166
Table 57 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007(K Yuan) 167
Table 58 Growth rate of tax and Extra Charges on Sales of
Products of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007(%) 168
Table 59 Total profits of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2007(1000 yuan) 169
Table 60 Total finacial expenditure of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2007(1000 yuan) 170
Table 61 Growth rate of total finacial expenditure of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007(%) 171
Table 62 Total administrative expenses of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry(1000 yuan) 172
Table 63 Growth rate of total administrative expenses of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007(%) 173
Table 64 Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007
(Unit: 1000 yuan) 174
Table 65 Growth rate of Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(%) 175
Table 66 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007(%) 176
Table 67 Total assets of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2007(1000 yuan) 177
Table 68 Growth rate of total assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2007(%) 178
Table 69 Total Liability of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2007(1000 yuan) 179
Table 70 Growth rate of total Liability of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2007(%) 180
Table 71 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2007(1000 yuan) 181
Table 72 Growth rate of Net Value of total fixed assets of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2007(%) 182
Table 73 Ratio of debts to assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2007(%) 183
Table 74 Total number of enterprises of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2006 185
Table 75 Total number of loss making enterprises of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry by province in 2006 186
Table 76 Total Loss of loss-making enterprises of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry by province in 2006(Unit:1000yuan) 188
Table 77 Number of employees of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry
by province in 2006 189
Table 78 Sales Revenue of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry by
province in 2006(K Yuan) 191
Table 79 Growth rate of Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry by province in 2006 (%) 192
Table 80 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2006 (K Yuan) 194
Table 81 Growth rate of total cost of sales of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2006 195
Table 82 Expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(K Yuan) 197
Table 83 Growth rate of expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2006(%) 198
Table 84 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006(K Yuan) 200
Table 85 Growth rate of tax and Extra Charges on Sales of
Products of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006(%) 201
Table 86 Total profits of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2006(1000 yuan) 203
Table 87 Total finacial expenditure of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(1000 yuan) 204
Table 88 Growth rate of total finacial expenditure of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006(%) 206
Table 89 Total administrative expenses of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry(1000 yuan) 207
Table 90 Growth rate of total administrative expenses of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006(%) 209
Table 91 Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006
(Unit: 1000 yuan) 210
Table 92 Growth rate of Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(%) 212
Table 93 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006(%) 213
Table 94 Total assets of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2006(1000 yuan) 215
Table 95 Growth rate of total assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(%) 216
Table 96 Total Liability of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2006(1000 yuan) 218
Table 97 Growth rate of total Liability of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2006(%) 219
Table 98 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(1000 yuan) 221
Table 99 Growth rate of Net Value of total fixed assets of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2006(%) 222
Table 100 Ratio of debts to assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2006(%) 224
Table 101 Total number of enterprises of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2005 226
Table 102 Total number of loss making enterprises of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry by province in 2005 227
Table 103 Total Loss of loss-making enterprises of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry by province in 2005(Unit:1000yuan) 229
Table 104 Number of employees of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry by province in 2005 231
Table 105 Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry by province in 2005(K Yuan) 233
Table 106 Growth rate of Sales Revenue of Industrial Products of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry by province in 2005(%) 234
Table 107 Sales Cost of Industrial Products of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2005(K Yuan) 236
Table 108 Growth rate of total cost of sales of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2005(%) 237
Table 109 Expenditure of sales of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2005(1000 Yuan) 239
Table 110 Growth rate of expenditure of sales of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry in 2005(%) 240
Table 111 Tax and Extra Charges on Sales of Products of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry 242
Table 112 Growth rate of tax and Extra Charges on Sales of
Products of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry 243
Table 113 Total profits of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2005(1000 yuan) 245
Table 114 Total finacial expenditure of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2005(1000 yuan) 247
Table 115 Growth rate of total finacial expenditure of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2005(%) 248
Table 116 Total administrative expenses of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry(1000 yuan) 250
Table 117 Growth rate of total administrative expenses of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2005(%) 251
Table 118 Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2005
(Unit: 1000 yuan) 253
Table 119 Growth rate of Total tax of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2005(%) 254
Table 120 Ratio of Profits to Total Industrial Costs of China's
Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2005(%) 256
Table 121 Total assets of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2005(1000 yuan) 257
Table 122 Growth rate of total assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2005(%) 259
Table 123 Total Liability of China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in
2005(1000 yuan) 261
Table 124 Growth rate of total Liability of China's Iron Ore
Mining Industry in 2005(%) 262
Table 125 Net Value of Fixed Assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2005(1000 yuan) 264
Table 126 Growth rate of Net Value of total fixed assets of
China's Iron Ore Mining Industry in 2005(%) 265
Table 127 Ratio of debts to assets of China's Iron Ore Mining
Industry in 2005(%) 267
Table 128 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry in Dec., 2003 268
Table 129 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry in Dec., 2004 269
Table 130 Financial indicators of top 10 makers of China's Iron
Ore Mining Industry in Dec., 2005 269