China Petroleum Industry Analysis Report 2006 |
China Petroleum
Industry Analysis Report 2006
Published: Jan 21st 2007

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Operation analysis of petroleum industry in
1.1. Economic environment analysis of petroleum industry
1.2. Exploration process of petroleum& gas
1.3. Output of crude oil
1.3.1. Overview of crude oil production in China
1.3.2. Output of crude oil in main enterprises
1.3.3. Production and consumption of petroleum in 2006
1.4. Price of crude oil
1.4.1. Price variation of petroleum in 2006
1.4.2. Main factors causing growth of price of petroleum in
1.4.3. Overview of petroleum global price in 2006
1.4.4. Price trend of crude oil
1.4.5. Foresee of crude oil in 2007
1.4.6. Forecast of crude oil in future
1.5. Import and export of petroleum in China in 2006
1.6. Oversea development of China's petroleum& gas industry
1.7. Status of oversea business of China's petroleum& gas
1.8. Progress of major projects in China's petroleum& gas
1.9. Management system reform of Top three petroleum
companies in China
1.10. Technique innovation of China's petroleum industry
Chapter 2. Operation analysis of world petroleum industry
2.1. Demand, supply and competition of world petroleum& gas
2.1.1 Reserve and distribution feature of main petroleum&
gas resources in the world
2.1.2. Fundamental characteristics of world petroleum& gas
2.1.3. Competitive status and characteristics of world
petroleum& gas resources
2.2. Merge and acquisition in world petroleum& gas industry
in 2006
2.3. Status and trend of world offshore petroleum industry
2.4. Exploration and exploitation status of petroleum& gas
resources in Turkmenistan
Chapter 3. Analysis of refined oil market
3.1. Processing production and capacity of crude oil in
3.2. Production of refined oil
3.2.1. Overview of refined oil production in 2006
3.2.2. Refined oil output of main producers
3.3. Demand for refined oil
3.3.1. Review of consumption of refined oil
3.3.2. Foresee of demand of refined oil in future in China
3.3.3. Continuous growth of gross profit in refined oil in
Asia-Pacific Area in future
3.3.4. Large gap between prices home and abroad
3.4. Import and export of refined oil
Chapter 4. Analysis of petrochemical industry in China
4.1. Main features in petrochemical industry
4.2. Overview of petrochemical market
4.3. Market analysis of polyolefin
4.4. Market analysis of ethylene
4.5. Market analysis of polypropylene
4.6. Market analysis of synthetic resin
4.7. Market analysis of synthetic fiber
4.7.1. Demand analysis
4.7.2. Supply analysis
4.8. Market analysis of rubber
4.9. Market analysis of methanol
4.10. Market analysis of methyl ethyl ketone
4.11. Status of demand and supply of main petrochemical
products and long-term foresee
Chapter 5. Economic indicators of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006
5.1. Overall economic indicators
5.1.1. Number of enterprises
5.1.2. Number of lose-making enterprises
5.1.3. Total loss of lose-making enterprises
5.1.4. Number of employees
5.2. Overall financial indicators
5.2.1. Status of sales revenue
5.2.2. Status of sales cost
5.2.3. Status of sales expense
5.2.4. Accumulative value-added tax and extra charge
5.2.5. Accumulative profit
5.2.6. Accumulative financial expense
5.2.7. Accumulative administrative expense
5.2.8. Accumulative tax
5.2.9. Ratio of profit to cost
5.3. Asset and liability indicators
5.3.1. Total assets
5.3.2. Total liability
5.3.3. Net worth of fixed assets
5.3.4. Ratio of liability to asset
5.3.5. Indicator of top ten players
List of tables
Table 1 Production of petrochemicals of the two companies in
Table 2 World supply and demand of petroleum in recent years
Table 3 Supply and demand equilibrium statistics of
Table 4 Main economic indicators of China's petroleum
industry in 2006
Table 5 Main economic indicator of China's top 3 state-owned
petroleum companies in 2006
Table 6 Crude runs of main producers in 2006
Table 7 Natural crude oil processing of main producer in
Table 8 Crude runs and productions of main products in China
in 2006
Table 9 Kerosene output of main producers in 2006
Table 10 Consumption of crude oil and petroleum from 2003 to
Table 11 Consumption of crude oil and petroleum in recent
years in China
Table 12 Status and foresee of wholesale of gasoline and
diesel oil in China
Table 13 Gross profit of oil refining all over the world
Table 14 Demand growth and foresee of petroleum in
Table 15 Newly added oil refining capacity in Asia-Pacific
in future
Table 16 Import of polyolefin, 2004- 2006
Table 17 Equipments of ethylene in Asia in first half of
Table 18 Production capacity of ethylene in main ethylene
producing countries
Table 19 World supply and demand of ethylene, 2002-2006
Table 20 Supply and demand of polyolefin in China in 2006
Table 21 Constructing ethylene capacity in future
Table 22 Top ten consumption countries of rubber
Table 23 Number of petroleum& gas exploitation enterprises
in China in 2006
Table 24 Number of petroleum& gas exploitation enterprises(
loss-making in Dec.) in China in 2006
Table 25 Number of petroleum& gas exploitation enterprises(
loss-making in the year) in China in 2006
Table 26 Number of employees in petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006
Table 27 Sales revenue of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 28 Sales revenue growth of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 29 Sales cost of petroleum& gas exploitation industry
in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 30 Sales cost growth of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 31 Sales expense of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 32 Sales expense growth of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 33 Value-added tax and extra fee of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 34 Value-added tax and extra fee growth of petroleum&
gas exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 35 Accumulative profit of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 36 Accumulative financial expense of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 37 Accumulative financial expense growth of petroleum&
gas exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 38 Accumulative administrative expense of petroleum&
gas exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 39 Accumulative administrative expense growth of
petroleum& gas exploitation industry in China in 2006( by
month and province)
Table 40 Accumulative tax of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 41 Accumulative tax growth of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 42 Profit to sales ratio of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 43 Total assets of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 44 Total assets growth of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 45 Total liability of petroleum& gas exploitation
industry in China in 2006( by month and province)
Table 46 Total liability growth of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 47 Net worth of fixed assets of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 48 Net worth of fixed asset growth of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 49 Asset to liability ratio of petroleum& gas
exploitation industry in China in 2006( by month and
Table 50 Sales, profit, assets and employees of top 10
players in China in 2004
Table 51 Sales, profit, assets and employees of top 10
players in China in 2003
Table 52 Sales, profit, assets and employees of top 10
players in China in Dec. 2006
Table 53 Sales, profit, assets and employees of top 10
players in China in 2006
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