China Purified Terephthalic Acid Report 2007
Published: Nov 18th 2007
Price: USD 700.00

Table of contents
Chapter 1 Definition and classification of carbon fiber 3
1.1 Definition of carbon fiber 3
1.2. Main categories of carbon fiber 3
1.2.1 PAN-based carbon fiber 3
1.2.2 Asphalt-base carbon fiber 3
1.2.3 Viscose-base carbon fiber 4
1.2.4 Nano carbon fiber 5
1.3 Physicochemical characteristics of carbon fiber 5
1.4 Production technology of carbon fiber 7
1.5 Product form and manufacturing technology of carbon
fiber 7
1.6 Technological development in carbon fiber 8
1.7 New trend in research and development of carbon fiber
Chapter 2 Analysis of supply and demand of world carbon fiber14
2.1 General profile in the world14
2.2 Analysis of carbon fiber production19
2.2.1 Carbon fiber production in the US 19
2.2.2 Carbon fiber production in Europe 21
2.2.3 Carbon fiber production in Asia 22
2.3 Analysis of main application areas 24
2.3.1 Aerospace 25
2.3.2 Health and medical care 27
2.3.3 Transportation 28
2.3.4 Construction 28
2.3.5 Electronic manufacturing 32
2.3.6 Energy exploitation 34
2.3.7 Sports and other daily necessities 36
2.4 Key application industries in the future 37
2.4.1 Automobile manufacturing industry 37
2.4.2 Sports goods manufacturing industry 45
2.4.3 Aviation accessory manufacturing industry 46
Chapter 3 Analysis of China carbon fiber industry 48
3.1 Profile of carbon fiber industry 48
3.2 Production technology development and application of carbon
fiber 50
3.3 Analysis of carbon fiber production 53
3.4 Consumption structure of carbon fiber 59
3.5 Analysis of price 61
3.6 Future trend of carbon fiber industry 70
Chapter 4 Analysis of import and export of carbon fiber 77
4.1 International carbon fiber trade 77
4.2 Import and export of China carbon fiber, 2006-2007 77
4.3 Future trend of import and export of China carbon fiber 83
Chapter 5 Analysis of raw material market of carbon fiber 85
5.1 Polyacrylonitrile 85
5.2 Petroleum asphalt 88
5.3 Viscose-based fiber 92
Chapter 6 Analysis of market strategy and advice 95
6.1 Investment strategy 95
6.2 Product strategy 96
6.3 Price strategy 97
Chapter 7 Main carbon fiber manufacturers 98
7.1 Anhui Huawan Carbon Fiber (Group) Co., Ltd 98
7.1.1 Profile 98
7.2 Lanzhou Zhongkai Co., Ltd 100
7.2.1 Profile 100
7.3 Shandong Tiantai New Material Co., Ltd 101
7.3.1 Profile 101
7.4 Yixing Tianniao High Technology Co., Ltd 105
7.4.1 Profile 105
7.5 Shanghai Tongtong Carbon Fiber Sheet Co., Ltd 106
7.5.1 Profile 106
7.6 Jiaxing Zhongbao Carbon Fiber Co., Ltd 107
7.6.1 Profile 107
Tables 108
Figures 109
Table 1 Global consumption of carbon fiber, 2004-2006 15
Table 2 World carbon fiber production capacity, 2005 and 2006 15
Table 3 World demand of PAN-based carbon fiber, 1985-2005 15
Table 4 Main PAN-based carbon fiber manufacturers, 2007 17
Table 5 Expansion plan of Japan-based Toray and TOHO 18
Table 6 Forecast on consumption structure of foreign PAN-based
carbon fiber 18
Table 7 Distribution of production place of carbon fiber in
Europe 21
Table 8 Types and performance of domestic polyacrylonitrile-based
carbon fiber 54
Table 9 Comparison of precursor quality of domestic
polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber 55
Table 10 Quality index of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber
of Liaoning Academy of Safety Science and Technology 55
Table 11 Performance index and standard of carbon fiber felt of
Liaoyang Chemical Institute 55
Table 12 Performance index of carbon fiber sheet produced by
Jilin Carbon Plant 56
Table 13 Comparison of domestic and foreign polyacrylonitrile-based
carbon fiber 57
Table 14 Main performance index of general viscose-based carbon
fiber 57
Table 15 Main performance index of general viscose-based carbon
fiber sheet 58
Table 16 Main performance index of asphalt carbon fiber product
Table 17 Basic index of short-cut fiber 58
Table 18 Main index of milled fiber 58
Table 19 List of major PAN-based carbon fiber manufacturers in
China (mainland), 2006 59
Table 20 List of domestic production units of PAN precursor and
PAN-based carbon fiber to be constructed or under construction
Table 21 Market demand of China PAN-based carbon fiber 60
Table 22 Main domestic application areas of carbon fiber 60
Table 23 Consumption structure of China PAN-based carbon fiber,
2002 61
Table 24 Import of carbon fiber and its products, Jan-Dec, 2006
Table 25 Export of carbon fiber and its products, Jan-Dec, 2006
Table 26 Import of carbon fiber and its products, Jan-Aug, 2007
Table 27 Export of carbon fiber and its products, Jan- Aug, 2007
Table 28 Accumulated import and export volume of acrylonitrile,
Jun, 2005-Jun, 2006 87
Table 29 Import and export of China acrylonitrile, Feb,
2006-Feb, 2007 t, US 10,000 dollars 87
Table 30 Factory price of acrylonitrile, November 29th, 2005 88
Table 31 Output of China petroleum asphalt, Jun, 2006-Jun, 2007
Table 32 Import and export volume of China petroleum asphalt,
Feb, 2006 and Feb, 2007 t, US10, 000 dollars 91
Table 33 Output of China viscose-based fiber, Jun, 2006-Jun,
2007 94
Figure 1 Production of carbon fiber by continuous batch
polymerization 12
Figure 2 Distribution diagram of carbon fiber output, 2006 15