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China Coal Report 2006
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China Coal Report 2006

Market Research of Fly Ash Brick,Clay Brick,Aggregate,Sand In China

Table of Contents
(Published:June. 20th, 2007)


1 Output, distribution and chemical components of fly ash in China 3
1.1 Output and utilization ratio of fly ash in China 3
1.2 Chemical components of fly ash in China 6
2 Analysis on brick market 12
2.1 Clay brick 12
2.2 Building block 15
2.3 Aggregate, sand 19
2.4 Fly ash brick 37
2.5 Powder fly ash brick, clay brick, aggregate, sand market predictions in 2008-2010 38
2.6 Factors that influence the fly ash brick market 44
2.7 Customer purchasing behavior 47
3.Manufacturing technique of fly ash brick 48
3.1 Chinese standard for fly ash brick 48
3.2 Fly ash brick quality 48
4. Policy for comprehensive use of fly ash 51
4.1 Value-added Tax Policy 51
4.2 Other policy support 51
5 The investment risk of fly ash brick 53
5.1 Market Risk 53
5.2 Technology Risk 54
5.3 Management Risk 54
Appendix 1: Building Materials Industry Standard -- fly ash brick of he People's Republic of China JC239-2001 55
Appendix 2: People's Republic of China Building Materials Industry Standard -- Fired common bricks 62
Appendix 3 lightweight aggregate concrete hollow block GB15229──94 75
Appendix 4 The list of first batch of large and medium-size cities which are prohibited using solid clay brick. 82
Appendix 5 The list of second batch of 256 cities that are prohibited using the solid clay brick 84
Appendix 6 The Power generation and Fly ash output of DaTang Group 87
Appendix 7 The Power generation and Fly ash output of HuaNeng Group 89
Appendix 8 The Power generation and Fly ash output of HuaDian Group 94
Appendix 9 The Power generation and Fly ash output of GuoDian Group 97
Appendix 10 The Power generation and Fly ash output of China Power Invest Group 101
Table 103
Figure 103

Table 1 Output and utility ratio of fly ash in the major cities in China in 2004 3
Table 2 Composition of elements in fly ash (number of samples: 365) 6
Table 3 Average value of major chemical components of fly ash of thermal power plants in China Wt% 8
Table 4 Normalized average of major chemical components of fly ash after subtraction of ignition loss 9
Table 5 Branch electric field weighted average value of major chemical components of fly ash collected by electro-precipitator Wt% 10
Table 6 Output of clay bricks in China, 2004-2006 (10,000 pieces) 12
Table 7 Price of fly ash aerated block 19
Table 8 Chemical Components 29
Table 9 Physical properties of sintered fly-ash ceramsite 29
Table 10 Tested findings about sintered fly-ash ceramsite’ properties 30
Table 11 physical and dynamical properties of ceramsite of British Lytag 31
Table 12 physical and dynamical properties of 20MPa-25MPa ceramsite concrete of Tianjin Silicate Factory 31
Table 13 Comparison of main fly ash aggregate concrete indexes 34
Table 14 Building scree prices of some regions on June 28, 2007 37
Table 15 Fly ash brick prices in some regions 38
Figure 1 Output of clay bricks in China, 2004-2006 (10,000 pieces) 14
Figure 2 Two-hole concrete block 16
Figure 3 Fly ash aerated block 16
Figure 4 Clay sintered aggregate 20
Figure 5 Shale sintered aggregate 20
Figure 6 Lytag 21
Figure 7 The production and development of each decade 21
Figure 8 Aggregate product structure 23
Figure 9 Proportion of aggregate enterprise scale 24
Figure 10 Fly ash steaming pressure standard brick 37
Figure 11 Chinese urbanization rate in recent ten years (%) 39
Figure 12 Controllable income of the city residents and its growth (yuan, %) 40
Figure 13 Dwelling area for every person in Chinese cities (m2) 40
Figure 14 Chinese commodity house sales and growth (100 million yuan, %) 41
Figure 15 Year-to-year growth of Chinese real estate investment 41
Figure 16 Average sales price of Chinese commodity house 42
Figure 17 Year-to-year growth of Chinese commodity house building area 42



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