Chongqing Real
Estate Market Research Report (2006Q3)

Table of contents
Section I Macroeconomic environment of Chongqing City in the
third quarter of 2006 4
1.1 Investment Environment of Real Estate in Chongqing 4
1.2 Urban Planning 4
1.2.1 Three overpasses have been under construction in
September, 20 overpass will be built in the main city in five
years 4
1.2.2 Three traffic transform projects have started to settle
the jam problem in Nanping 6
1.2.3 Northern district strive to link up the road network in
May next year 8
1.2.4 There will be three main channels between the main city
and Peiling, which will be in operation next year 9
1.2.5 The first phase of light Line 3 project will start in this
year and will be completion in 2008 9
1.2.6 Chongqing will build 200 star Nongjiale in five years 10
1.2.7 Chongqing will become the railway hub of southwest in 2010
1.2.8 The first rapid transit line of Chongqing will be built in
2010 13
Section2 Main indicators of real estate development 14
2.1 Real estate investment indicators 14
2.2 Sales indicators 16
Section 3 Land Development and Purchase 17
3.1 Indicators of Land Supply 17
3.2 The land market of Chongqing in third quarter, 2006 17
Section 4 Residential House 20
4.1 Supply 20
4.2 Price 29
4.3 Transaction 30
Section 5 Affordable Housing 32
Section 6 Commercial Building 32
6.1 Supply 33
6.2 Transaction 34
Section 7 Office building 34
7.1 Supply 35
7.2 Selling 35
Section 8 Real estate market analysis in different regions of
Chongqing in September 37
8.1 Downtown 38
8.2 Yuzhong District 39
8.3 Nan'an District 40
8.4 Jiangbei District 41
8.5 Yubei District 42
8.6 New North Zone District 42
8.7 Shapingba District 43
8.8 Jiulongpo District 44
8.9 High-Tech Industry Development Zone 45
8.10 Dadukou District 46
Section 9 Major policy regulations and analysis in the 3rd
quarter in 2006 47
9.1 There will be no compulsory transaction price appraisal on
the second-hand houses in ChongQing 47
9.2 All house purchases by foreign capital should be paid in RMB.
9.3 Rules about “Article 6 of the Constitution” have been
introduced in Chongqing 51
9.4 Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Chongqing
Municipality issued a new notice: Suspension of the supply of
land for villa projects 55
9.5 Chongqing will relax the conditions from provident fund 57
Tables 58
Figures 58
Table 1 Real estate investment of Chongqing from August in 2005
to September in 2006 15
Table 2 Sources of Real estate investment of Chongqing from
August in 2005 to September in 2006(unit: 108 Yuan) 15
Table 3 Sales of Commercial Houses and Floor Space Sold of
Commercial Houses in Chongqing from August in 2005 to September
in 2006 16
Table 4 Land Areas Purchased This Year and Land Space Developed
This Year in Chongqing city from August in 2005 to September in
2006 17
Table 5 Detailed transactions of land market in September 19
Table 6 List of new flats launched in September 22
Table 7 Floor Space Under Construction and Floor Space Completed
of Residenceof Chongqing from August in 2005 to September in
2006 29
Table 8 Transaction Area of Residential House and Total Sales of
Residential House in Chongqing from August in 2005 to September
in 2006 30
Table 9 schedule of real estate transactions of Chongqing main
City in September 31
Table 10 schedule of real estate transactions of Chongqing main
City in August 31
Table 11 Floor space under construction of commercial building ,
new construction of commercial building and floor space
completed of commercial building in chongqing from august in
2005 to september in 2006 33
Table 12 Sales of houses for commercial and business purpose and
floor space sold of houses for commercial and business purpose
of chongqing from august in 2005 to september in 2006 34
Table 13 Completed area of office building, new construction of
office building and floor space under construction of office
building in chongqing from august in 2005 to september in 2006
Table 14 Sold Area of Office Building and Sales Sum of Office
Building of Chongqing from August in 2005 to September in 2006
Figure 1 regional distribution sites of new flats in September
Figure 2 Comparison of commercial transaction price of residence
building in Main City district of Chongqing in September 2006
(area) 30