Market Research Report On China's Coke and Coking Industry
in 2008 |
Market Research
Report On China's Coke and Coking Industry in 2008
Price:USD 1000.00
Published:June 23 2008
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Coking coal resources in China 5
1.1 Category of Coking coal 5
1.2 Total reserve and distribution of coking coal 5
1.3 Features of coking coal resources 7
1.4 The proven recoverable reserves of coking coal 7
Chapter 2 China’s coking coal market 7
2.1 Coking coal output 2006-2007 7
2.2 Demand for coking coal 2006-2007 10
2.3 Imports and exports of coking coal 2006-2008 11
2.3.1 Imports and exports of coking coal in 2008 11
2.3.2 Imports and exports of coking coal in 2007 12
2.3.3 Imports and exports of coking coal in 2006 16
2.4 Coking coal market in 2008 17
Chapter 3 Analysis on production capacity and technique of
coking coal 18
3.1 Coking technique 18
3.2. Capacity of dressing by washing 19
3.3. Production capacity of coking 19
3.3.1. China's production capacity of coking 19
3.3.2. Current situation of coke oven production capacity
and statistics of increase of future production capacity 21
Chapter 4 Analysis on coking coal market in 2008 23
4.1 Coking coal price 2007-2008 23
4.2 Analysis on price affecting factors in coking coal
market 24
4.3 Future development direction of China’s coking industry
4.3.1 Large and automated direction 26
4.3.2 Orderly build over 300,000t coal tar processing
facilities 27
4.3.3 Innovation of refined chemical products 28
4.3.4 Promote crude (light) benzene hydrogenation process 28
4.3.5 Develop needle-like coke products 29
4.3.6 Make full use of coke oven gas resources 29
4.3.7 Strengthen macro-control organization, and organize
reasonable coking coal production 29
4.3.8 Pay attention to scarcity of coal resources protection
and its efficient uses 30
4.3.9 Establish a coordinated development mechanism between
coking coal and coke industry 31
Chapter 5 Market analysis of benzene products
5.1 Market situation of benzene products 31
5.2 manufacturing technique and market analysis on crude
benzene 33
5.2.1 Pickling 34
5.3.2 Hydrogenation 35
5.3 China’s crude benzene market development status 38
5.3.1 Brief introduction of crude benzene industry 38
5.3.2 Analysis on production status 39
5.3.3 Analysis on consumption status 41
5.3.4 Analysis on imports and exports of crude benzene 42
5.3.5 Production process problems 42
5.4 Influence of National coking policy on crude benzene 42
5.5 Market development trend 43
5.6 Proposals 45
Chapter 6 Development of coking coke industry 46
6.1 Status of coking coke industry 47
6.1.1 Production scale 47
6.1.2 Production method 48
6.1.3 Products category 49
6.1.4 Production costs 50
6.1.5 Environmental protection and energy saving equipments
6.2 Status and forecast on coking coke market 51
6.3 Proposals 53
Chapter 7 Analysis on China’s coke market 54
7.1 Coke output 54
7.1.1 Annual coke output by year in China 54
7.1.2 Annual coke output by region in China 56
7.1.3 Output of coke by enterprise 65
(1)Coke output in main enterprises in 2008 65
(2)Coke output in main enterprises in 2007 65
(3)Coke output in main enterprises in 2006 67
7.2 Coke price 69
7.2.1 Coke price 2007-2008 69
7.2.2 Coke price in 2006 71
7.3 Analysis on China’s coke consumption 74
7.4 Analysis on China’s coke exports 75
7.4.1 Coke exports in 2008 75
7.4.2 Coke exports in 2007 77
7.4.3 Coke exports in 2006 79
Chapter 8 Forecast of the Coke Market in 2008 80
8.1 Forecast of the coke supply and demand 80
8.2 Forecast of coke demand 81
8.3 Forecast of coke price 82
8.4 Forecast of coke export 82
8.5 Forecast of international market 82
8.6 Measures: Overall control 83
Chapter 9 Behavior of price and index of coke products in
2006 84
9.1 Movement of price and index of coal tar and crude
benzene 84
9.2 Whole year price behavior by area and variety 84
9.3 Analysis on price and the reason for it by variety in
2006 85
Chapter 10 Economic indicators analysis of China's coking
industry 86
10.1 Basic conditions of China's coking industry 86
10.1.1 Number of enterprises 86
10.1.2 Number of loss making enterprises 87
10.1.3 Loss amount of loss making enterprises 88
10.1.4 Number of total employees 89
10.2 Assets and liability conditions of China's coking
industry in 2006 90
10.2.1 Total asset 90
10.2.2 Total liability 92
10.2.3 Average balance of net fixed assets 94
10.2.4 Average balance of floating assets 96
10.3 Revenue, cost, expenditure and profit conditions of
China's coking industry 97
10.3.1 Sales revenue 97
10.3.2 Sales cost 98
10.3.3 Sales expense 100
10.3.4 Value-added tax and extra charge 102
10.3.5 Accumulative Net accounts receivable 103
10.3.6 Accumulative finished products 104
10.3.7 Accumulative administrative expense 106
10.3.8 Accumulative financial expense 108
Table index 110
Figure index 112
Table index
Table 1 China’s Coking Coal Classification Index (China’s
Coal Classification GB 5751-86) 5
Table 2 The reserve and resources of coking coal in various
areas of China (by the end of 2005) Unit: 108 t 5
Table 3 Total reserves and category of China’s coking coal
(up to 2001) 6
Table 4 Output of national coking coal 8
Table 5 Output of cleaned coal in state-owned key coal mines
in 2007 9
Table 6 Output of cleaned coal in state-owned key coal mines
in 2006 9
Table 7 Exports of coking coal by country in May 2008 11
Table 8 Imports of coking coal by country in May 2008 11
Table 9 Exports of coking coal by country in Mar 2007 12
Table 10 Exports of coking coal by country in Jan 2007 12
Table 11 Exports of coking coal by country in Feb 2007 12
Table 12 Exports of coking coal by country in Mar 2007 12
Table 13 Exports of coking coal by country in May 2007 13
Table 14 Exports of coking coal by country in Apr 2007 13
Table 15 Exports of coking coal by country in Jun 2007 13
Table 16 Exports of coking coal by country in Jul 2007 13
Table 17 Exports of coking coal by country in Aug 2007 14
Table 18 Exports of coking coal by country in Sep 2007 14
Table 19 Exports of coking coal by country in Oct 2007 15
Table 20 Exports of coking coal by country in Nov 2007 15
Table 21 Exports of coking coal by country in Dec 2007 15
Table 22 Imports of coking coal by country in Dec 2007 16
Table 23 Imports of coking coal by custom in Dec 2006 16
Table 24 Imports of coking coal by region in Dec 2006 17
Table 25 China’s coking industry enterprises number
2001-2007 20
Table 26 Prices of coking coal on May 29th 2008 by region 23
Table 27 Prices of coking coal on May 17th 2008 by region 23
Table 28 Forecast on world’s benzene development 32
Table 29 Forecast on demand and supply of benzene in China
Table 30 Distribution of China’s pickling benzene in 2005 35
Table 31 Distribution of production capacity, off-take
potential and in-building projects hydrogenation in Chinas
Table 32 Distribution of production capacity and off-take
potential of crude benzene in China in 2006 (10,000 t) 40
Table 33 Output of crude benzene 2003-2008 40
Table 34 China’s crude benzene demand and exports in recent
years (104 t) 42
Table 35 Monthly output and accumulative output in China in
2007 55
Table 36 Output of coke by region Jan 2007- Dec 2007 55
Table 37 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in Mar 2008 (t) 56
Table 38 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
by mechanical coke ovens in Mar 2008 (t) 56
Table 39 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in 2008 (t) 57
Table 40 58
Table 41 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
by mechanized coke ovens in 2007 (t) 58
Table 42 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in Dec 2006 (104 t) 59
Table 43 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in 2005 (104 t) 59
Table 44 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in 2004 (t) 60
Table 45 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
by mechanized coke ovens in 2004 61
Table 46 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in 2003 62
Table 47 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in 2002 62
Table 48 Provincial and municipal enterprises’ coke output
in 2001 64
Table 49 64
Table 50 Coke output in 2001 (Jan-Dec) 64
Table 51 Outputs of machine coke in China’s key enterprises
in 2007 65
Table 52 Outputs of machine coke in China’s key enterprises
in 2006 (104 t) 65
Table 53 Outputs of coke in China’s key enterprises in Dec
2006 67
Table 54 Price tendency of coke in some parts of China
(Yuan/ton) 70
Table 55 Changes in the Coke Price Index 73
Table 56 Forecast the consumption of coke of major
industries in 2007-2011 (104 t) 74
Table 57 Exports of coal, lignite and peat made coke,
semi-coke and retort charcoal 1st quarter of 2008 (kg) 76
Table 59 Comparison between the total coke export volume in
tons and in US dollars in 2006 79
Table 60 Statistics on China's Coke Export in Each Custom in
Dec 2006 79
Table 61 Coke Consumption in Major Sectors 2007-2011 81
Table 62 Enterprises numbers in China’s coke industry in
2007 86
Table 63 Number of loss making enterprises of China's coking
industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 87
Table 64 Accumulative loss amount of loss making enterprises
of China's coking industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 88
Table 65 Number of employees of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 89
Table 66 Total assets of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 90
Table 67 Growth of Total assets of China's coking industry
Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the same period of last year
Table 68 Total liability of China's coking industry in 2007
Table 69 Growth of Total liability of China's coking
industry in 2007 compared with the same period of last year
Table 70 Average balance of net fixed assets of China's
coking industry in 2006 94
Table 71 Growth of average balance of net fixed assets of
China's coking industry in 2006 compared with the same
period of last year 95
Table 72 Average balance of floating assets of China's
coking industry in 2006 96
Table 73 Sales revenue of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 97
Table 74 Growth of Sales revenue of China's coking industry
Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the same period of last year
(%) 97
Table 75 Sales cost of China's coking industry Jan 2007-Nov
2007 (104 Yuan) 98
Table 76 Growth of Sales cost of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 compared with the same period of last year (%)
Table 77 Sales expenditure of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 100
Table 78 Growth of Sales expenditure of China's coking
industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the same period of
last year (%) 101
Table 79 Value-added tax and extra charge of China's coking
industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 102
Table 80 Growth of value-added tax and extra charge of
China's coking industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the
same period of last year (%) 103
Table 81 Accumulative profit of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 103
Table 82 Accumulative financial expense of China's coking
industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 104
Table 83 Growth of Accumulative financial expense of China's
coking industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the same
period of last year (%) 105
Table 84 Accumulative administrative expense of China's
coking industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 106
Table 85 Growth of Accumulative administrative expense of
China's coking industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the
same period of last year (%) 107
Table 86 Accumulative tax of China's coking industry Jan
2007-Nov 2007 (104 Yuan) 108
Table 87 Growth of Accumulative tax of China's coking
industry Jan 2007-Nov 2007 compared with the same period of
last year (%) 108
Figure index
Figure 1 Output proportion of various coal used for coking 8
Figure 2 Trend of rapid increase in coking coal 11
Figure 3 production of coking in China (2001-2006, 2007-2011
for projections) 10,000 tons 21
Figure 4 Price indexes of coal tar and crude benzene
1994-2006 51
Figure 5 Price index of coal tar 1994-2006 52
Figure 6 Export volume of coal tar 2005-2006 52
Figure 7 Export price of coal tar 2005-2006 53
Figure 8 Trend of China's Coke Output 2001-2007 (10,000
tons) 54
Figure 9 Trend of average spot price in China’s coke market
(Shangxi, Hebei) 69
Figure 10 Changes in coke price index 71
Figure 11 Price Trend of Grade II Metallurgical Coke in
China(Yuan/ton) 71
Figure 12 Price Trend of Grade II Metallurgical Coke in
China(Yuan/ton) 74
Figure 13 China's Coke Consumption in Major Sectors in 2005
Figure 14 Coke Rate (kg/t) of Steel Enterprises 1993-2006 75
Figure 15 Forecast on the Coke Output in China (10,000 tons)
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